-Bad day is an understatement-

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Yt_Sailor you wanted the au as a book? Here y'all go uwu The first two chapters are edited versions from Chromatober with added context. Enjoy!
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Third person POV

Sabre sighed heavily when he heard that the Professor wanted him back to his lab in the Red Kingdom. He thanked the messenger and sent him back with "I'll see what I can do." Sabre knew he was up to something, it was rare when he wasn't, but to send a Messenger Steve instead of letting any of his close circle know and come tell him that? That was extra suspicious.

The blindfolded man decided to take some extra caution and took a few useful potions with him and put them in his special crystal that Light and all the crystal bearers made and gave him, and hid it under his clothes like necklace. The crystal was transparent and was able change colour, though other than giving others more of a "steve" feel, being able to transport things in it and it being a token of friendship and honour, he didn't know any other use for it, but he kept it close. Oh, and teleportation.

After taking a sip of water, he went outside and walked to a quieter part of a park. Standing in the sunshine, he took his crystal out, moved some dials on the connection point with the lace and held it, letting the sunlight hit the transparent crystal, making it look invisible and then shine white with a glow, soon teleporting him to a white way-stone under Professor's lab. Assistant Steve was there to greet him, but his tone was solemn, actually warning and.. sympathetic?

"Sabre, I beg you please you hear my warning. Do not go upstairs. Teleport back, I have enough concentrated light to give so you can do so. Please go."

"What? What's happening, Assistant? Why are you-"

"Just go! Please! Before he comes and takes you!"

"Ah! There you two are! I'm so glad you managed to come so quickly, Sabre!" Professor peaked down from the stairs and greeted the two non-Steves happily. Assistant held back a groan and looked at Sabre with.. sadness? showing most emotion Sabre has ever seen him emit.

"Greetings, Professor Red. I was just checking if the way-stone still worked and greeted the arrival." The robot had switched back to his usual voice and stone face and turned around to show that nothing was out of the ordinary. "Now if you'd excuse me, I have a patrol to commence."

"Yes, yes! You can go, Sabre come on! I have something to show you!" Professor rushed Assistant away like he wasn't there and dragged Sabre upstairs. The victim looked back down and saw the robot. He was planning something on his own.

Upstairs, Rainbow was waiting for them, excited. "Oh, hey, Sabre!" he waved at him.

"H-Hey... So, what's going on?" Sabre was slightly anxious about what his fellow non-Steve had previously said to him and wondered what he was needed for.

"So, Professor has made some new potions and wants us to test these!" Rainbow exclaimed innocently. "Sure, scary, but I'm sure fun too! They're meant for the upcoming festival held in the Green Kingdom."

"Oh? I didn't know there was an event coming up."

"Yeah! I only learnt about this 3 days ago." He nodded. "But we can actually attend too, so it makes it worth it!"

"If you s-" Sabre wasn't able to finish his sentence before the scientist splashed him with what Sabre assumed to one of those potions.

Sabre was in shock for a few moments.

Sabre POV


"Professor... What did you do to me?" I asked him, barely containing my anger. The two partners in crime held back a chuckle. I growled like a cat. My pupils were wide like a cat's. I had a tail like a cat's. I AM A CAT!

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