-Waking up-

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What's this? Some lore connected to Twisted Rainbow? Hehehehehehe >:3 Enjoy~
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Orange Leader (Oliver) POV

When I eventually woke up again, the sun was already up, rising. I stood up and stretched my drowsiness away to check on my two runaways.

Light was deep asleep, still in the position we'd put him yesterday night. Fortunately, he was looking ever so slightly better. I hope he's not too uncomfortable with his parts of armour on.

I looked over to Sabre and saw he was trying to sleep, but was struggling, half-awake. One of his arms tried to cover his eyes to either block to light or cover his eyes because they were no longer covered. Probably the latter because he was uncomfortable. Right, the cloth I gave him yesterday tore off. I sighed softly and made sure I walked quietly to not disturb them as I made way to my room upstairs to take some clothes from a box I had kept hidden away for.. reasons.

I took some of the clothes from it that I thought would fit Sabre and quickly sow a new blindfold for him with the leftover special fabric I didn't know I had left. Hopefully it's big enough. I visioned how his face looked like and the proportions. It was then I realised that I had seen his eyes. Rainbow, Light and Professor too.

I stared into nothing, though towards the new blindfold, with my eyes widened. ...No wonder he's uncomfortable and panicked.. He has been wearing that for..- Well, he never takes it off? There was something interesting about his eyes though. I couldn't remember what colour they were. I hummed and broke out of my trance, quickly making some finishing touches to the piece of cloth and picked up the pile of clothes for the human to make my way downstairs.

I put the clothes and the blindfold down on the floor near him alongside with a note on a yellow square paper. Then I set to take care of Light.

Sabre POV

I woke up groaning, then covering my eyes so the light wouldn't hurt them. ... And to feel even slight comfort with no blindfold and try to continue sleeping away this odd situation. I heard someone's steps softly go upstairs. Probably the leader. I thought as my mind ignored my wish to sleep and started reminding me of yesterday's events. I curled more under my blanket. Wait, a blanket? I only then realised that I was lying down on a carpet near a now dead fire with a large brown blanket with short fur covering it. Huh, he must've put it on me after I passed out. I exhaled silently with a small smile twitching to my face. I was glad he cared. Unlike someone.

I shook my head to shoo those thoughts away and hid myself under the blanket when the Leader came downstairs. I peeked through and noticed he had put a small pile of clothes in front of me along with a note saying "Got you some clothes - hope they fit. I made you a new blindfold too just in case, hope it's not trouble. Feel better - Oliver :)"

I stared at it in awe, not sure what to think of it. I knew he was caring, but that much to me too? That took me off guard, but left a warm, comfortable feeling in my chest, especially when he trusted his name to me. I looked at Oliver, who was now checking up on and taking care of Light still asleep. I wondered how and where can I dress up in a way that wouldn't attract his attention. Maybe I'll just take the blindfold at first and then I can think clearly.

The fabric was incredibly soft against my skin and very familiar, almost if not completely same to my usual blindfold. It surprised me, but also gave me comfort in this chaos. I smiled unconsciously, happy over the act of kindness. It makes me wonder though, where did he get that fabric?  I stared at the clothes I was yet to wear, pondering about the question stuck in my head. I exhaled softly, after which I sat up with the blanket covering me and went into a nearby room with the clothes to change into them.

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