Chapter 7 : Happy to take responsibility

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"Damn it!" I jolted awake on Dew's bed, feeling a bit hungover but still able to remember what happened. However, the owner of the room wasn't sleeping here anymore. I glanced around, noticing the traces of my violent actions from last night. And then, I had to raise my hand to slap my own face repeatedly. I don't know how many times I've done it.

'Again, Mek? Why do you always get horny when you drink?'

"Sigh!" I kicked off the blanket covering my body and sat up, my bare body exposed. I stood up from the bed and walked over to pick up the pile of clothes that were still lying on the floor. I took a sniff, and the smell was overpowering, filling my nostrils completely.

'Damn it! The stench of alcohol is suffocating!'

After dropping Nong Pleng at home yesterday. I decided to stop by and give some money to P and Bass to buy some drinks because I felt frustrated and annoyed, and I decided to get drunk at P's house.

I drank until several hours passed by, and I was really drunk. So, I decided to call home and lie that I would be staying at P's house because I was too drunk to drive back. However, I didn't actually sleep at P's house as I had told my family. I chose to turn the car around and go back to Dew's house again. And well... that's how things are at this moment as far as I can remember.

I reluctantly took off my worn and smelly clothes, which had nothing but the scent of alcohol. I don't know why they're so wrinkled. However, I picked them up and put them on again to go back home and take a shower. Before standing in front of the mirror to button up my shirt, my messy hair pointed in all directions, I couldn't help but still feel somewhat attractive.

Fuck, look at me.

There are still red marks on my neck and bite marks that remind me of last night's lovemaking activities, and the scratches and bite marks made me smile like a crazy person.  It's not that the damn prick was so addicted to me that he scratched to leave marks, but he was doing it to hurt me. But I also left plenty of marks on him in return for several rounds. Eventually, he stopped resisting and willingly surrendered, but in a good way.

I glanced at the bedsheet, unsure if it was stained with cum or lube. There were even used condoms, so I took the bedsheets off and threw it into the basket. Then, I grabbed the broom that was hanging in the corner of the room and swept the floor until it was tidy. Holding the basket, I went downstairs because I assumed the other party must be downstairs. I heard the sound of clashing against the pan loudly, suspecting that he was cooking in the kitchen. I walked in to greet him as if nothing had happened, trying not to show any guilt or regret for what I did last night.

I messed up big time because within our group, things are really chaotic.

"What are you doing? It smells good. " I asked, but couldn't help but secretly glance at him as well, afraid he would hit me with the spatula in my head.

"If you woke up, go back home."

But more than expected, he responded without even turning back to look at me. He continued frying something in the pan. As for me, I kept a calm expression and chose to hold the basket of laundry and walk towards the bathroom. I proceeded to toss the bedsheets into the washing machine, at least helping him clean up the mess in which I had contributed too.

Before I walked over to wash my face. I knew everything inside the house because in the past, I often stayed here with him because Dew was alone. His family had another house in Chanthaburi. They had a fruit garden there, and his father, mother, and older sister and brother-in-law returned to take care of the garden. As for Dew, who was still studying, he chose to stay here. He used to say that he liked it here more than anywhere else because everything was convenient. So, I decided to stay here until I finished my studies.

After waiting for less than half an hour, the sound of the washing machine became louder. I walked over to take out the laundry and placed it in the basket to dry neatly before walking back inside. As for Dew, he sat quietly eating his meal, playing with his smartphone without even glancing at me for a moment.

And what happened last night, then... At the very least, he must have been annoyed or physically harmed me. Whether I want to apologize or not, I accept the blame for everything. I am willing to take responsibility gladly because my family is wealthy, so I can handle anything. But treating me indifferently like this is not good for our relationship.

"I've already washed the bedsheets and cleaned the room."


"Is there anything else I can help you with?"


Before he even agreed to respond with a word, I quickly offered a conciliatory smile and braced myself to approach him, ready to lower my pride and seek reconciliation. Just the fact that he is willing to talk to me is already a great improvement. I know that I was wrong, very wrong, but the reason behind my actions...

"If there's anything else you want me to do, just tell me."

"Get your ass out of my house, and from now on, don't ever bother me again. I hate you, you damn bastard!"

That's it. He's right to hate me after all. How could he love me after this? After all I did to him, I should be grateful he didn't report me to the police and put me in jail. It would be considered mercy to have me out of his sight.

"I'm sorry, Dew, but what I did was because..."

"Don't say it! Whatever you do, you damn bastard. From now on... I won't even consider you as a friend!"

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked away, leaving me standing there alone with a sad face. Why? Even if I am handsome and wealthy like this, there are only people who want to take advantage of me. And when I do find someone I really like, he treats me with such disdain and disgust.

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