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I then woke up because of the alarm so I dressed up and got outside my house and got to hunting dogs quarter

After that I saw tecchou watching ants so I said hello to him but he just nod his head the continue watching the ants

My subordinate then gave me a message that fukuchi want a meeting cause someone joined the hunting dogs
So me and tecchou then nod
At my subordinate
I then look at tecchou the ask if he want to come with me on the restaurant we met he then nod then me and tecchou then walk to the restaurant as me and tecchou eat he then tried to feed me an boiled egg with the shell on so I politely refuse


After me and tecchou done eating we go the the meeting after we got there I saw jouno smirking at both of us and fukuchi then said that jouno is the one joining etc.

After the meeting I met jouno so I ran up to him and ask how did he joined

He then just smirked

then left I then look at tecchou then jouno then left Confused how did jouno join the hunting dogs

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then left I then look at tecchou then jouno then left
Confused how did jouno join the hunting dogs

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Hello I know this is short and yes I'm lazy so I'm going to open my notes app so I can uhhh update this story daily:D

Nov 21

The Restaurant Tecchou X Oc / Tecchou X Reader Where stories live. Discover now