Mission with jouno

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After the meeting I got into my home then to my room then sleep
Thinking about the meeting

After I woke up and prepared I was about to go to the restaurant until I saw a lady having her bag snatch by some robber so I chase the robber after chasing it and giving the lady her bag

I got into the restaurant to eat until I saw jouno eating I then sit next to him after ordering he then look at me boredly as I then still question him how did he got accepted to join 
He then just keeps ignoring my question continue eating as I look at him offendedly I then let it go and ate mine

After eating I followed jouno to the hunting dog quarter while bragging him how did he join as he just look irretated

After going to the quarter my subordinate then bump into me as I catch her cause she almost fell and she then start apologizing and after that she then notified me and jouno that we got a mission together

That there is something fishy about a organization so me and jouno the got there I saw a camera so I notified jouno that to not act suspicious

After finishing the mission I then got to the hunting dogs quarters
To find teruko so me and her can go to shopping

Nov 24 :D
I forgot to post hehe

The Restaurant Tecchou X Oc / Tecchou X Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang