Short story before chapter 1

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"Diego! Over here! What's wrong with you?"Everything was a blur as I stepped on the stage for the first time, my friends were all watching and I felt as if there was a bag of rocks on my head, I knew for a fact I was going to screw this up, "Shit! I'm so sorry sir, I'm a bit out of it today!" I ran over to the other side of the stage and got ready to begin, I began to sing, my voice cracking with every note, my friends kept on laughing and laughing and I didn't quite know why.

"I'm sorry Diego, you just don't make the cut." The director sounded disappointed and shook his head, "I see..." I replied and ran out of the building, I walked down the street for a bit and was getting tired "Gosh I really gotta sit down." I entered a dark ally way and rested for a bit then stood back up, "Hm, let's see here, how long will it take for me to get home from this strangely suspicious ally way." I opened my phone and noticed I didn't have any service, "OK now that's really weird..." I suddenly felt a chill down my spine and snapped around to see a dark figure walking slowly towards me, "Uh hi? Can I help you???"

"Yes, you can." The figure had a female voice and got really close to my face, she breathed on me and brushed her finger over my lips.

"O-Oh... who are you...?~" I immediately let her take full control of my body, she had me in her trance and I didn't even know her.

"Oh darling boy, you're so naive... let's just say I help little sad boys that venture into dark ally ways all alone... with no one to save them, oh how sad is that?" I felt her presence behind me and she grabbed my crotch from underneath, I felt a fire blow up inside me and I suddenly had a need for the mysterious figure.

"P-Please... tell me your name....?" I fell to my knees and bowed my head, "I'm yours... I promise..."


'I don't know what it was about her that made me submit, maybe it was her voice, maybe the way she made me feel, but now, looking back, I know she was dangerous... do not fall for her sex appeal! Now I'm dead!' -A sweet boy named ~Diego~


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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