Chapter 1

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It was the year 1980 in the city center of Paris...

It is a quiet afternoon in the French capital as Velus and Almie are sitting at a street-side cafe. They were waiting for the TMC enforcers to come back from gathering intel to report to them if they found the place where the loyalist resides.

"Do you think they are fine?" Almie asks as she becomes really nervous that she keeps on rubbing her hands.

"Relax, Almie. This is their job, this is what they trained for." Velus answers as he reassures her that nothing wrong would have happened to them.

"I should have gone with them." Almie said, "I am really a bad captain." she added.

"Don't worry, you were just promoted. Leading a task force is a steep learning curve especially if you were just another enforcer." Velus said.

"So you admit I made a mistake?" Almie asks as she begins to lose confidence in her abilities, but it seems like Velus was focused on a suspicious man. He uses his monocle to check the man's future, but the monocle keeps on glitching, indicating that the man's future was different from the one he was supposed to have. Unfortunately, the man saw Velus and his monocle with the trademark TMC design. Velus tried to remove it as fast as possible, but the man stood up and walked away. Almie looked where Velus was looking at.

"What is it?" Almie asks. "Man in the gray coat while wearing a beret." Velus answers. "What about him?" She added. "The monocle couldn't figure out his future, meaning he strayed away from his original future." Velus replied, "Follow him." He said.

Almie stands up and walks towards the man, who looked back and saw her walking towards him. So he then ran, prompting Almie to run as well.

The man leads her to the small alleyways in between the buildings of Paris. While chasing the man, Almie stumbled upon the two enforcers. "Corporal?" One of the investigators asks.

"The man with the gray shirt! After him!" Almie continued to run towards the man as the two enforcers were behind her. "Use your map, encircle him, force him to a dead end." Almie commanded as the two enforcers separated and tried to find a way to encircle him or force him to a dead end.

"Corporal, the alleyways do not have a dead end." One of the enforcers said. "Does the road count as a dead end?" The other asked. "Yes." Almie answered through the watch, which also acted as a team radio.

The three were blocking every single possible path the man could take, but there were too many alleyways to block for just the three of them.

"Velus! Could you use the monocle to see the path he will take?" Almie asked through the watch. "He's a rogue, the monocle doesn't work on him. His future is too different for the monocle to work properly." Velus answered.

After a while, Almie and the two enforcers finally found a way to encircle the man.

"So, the Time Monitoring Council decided to go after Adriite next." The man said as he looked around and at the enforcers.

"Sir, you are under arrest under Council Policy No. 97." One of the enforcers says as they are walking closer to the man. "CP97 was the worst thing you guys have implemented since you ousted the old council." The man said.

The man then ran towards one of the enforcers and pushed him towards the other enforcer, making them trip. Almie then ran towards him again and it looked like the chase would continue, or worse, he could escape them. Luckily, Velus swung his cane and knocked him out.

"So this isn't the loyalist." Almie says as she carries the unconscious body. "It looks like this Adriite has consolidated Matei's power in this timeline. Otherwise the loyalist wouldn't have his own followers." Velus added. The two enforcers stood up massaging their foreheads due to hitting each other. "You two, help Almie carry the body back to the outpost." Velus said before walking away.

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