Chapter 3 - Friend's Visit

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It's Saturday , Akumu . Who lived a few houses away from Akemi's house hasn't pay her a visit . But on the weekends , Akumu' s curiousity is on her peaks , why Akemi didn't come to school for a long time

Akumu visits Akemi's house and Akumu rings the bell to Akemi's house , when she was about to ring it again , a woman comes out the front door

: Who's this beautiful young lady

Akumu : Oh ! I'm Akemi's friend . I wanna visit here because it's a been a long time she didn't come to school

_               : Oh great ! Come in ! What's your name young lady ?

Akumu : My name is Ahmya Akumu , I'm from a few houses away from here .

_              : Oh , ok , then my name is Sasaki Ami , Call me Mrs . Sasaki . I'm Akemi's mom .

Akumu : Well then , nice to meet you , Mrs. Sasaki

Mrs . Sasaki : Nice to meet you too !

Akumu : So , where's Akemi's room ?

Mrs . Sasaki : Oh ! Just go upstairs , you'll see her name on the door .

Akumu : Ok , thanks !

Mrs . Sasaki : My pleasure , you go talk with her , I'll be in the kitchen making food .

Akumu goes upstairs , she walk straight searching for Akemi , suddenly . She saw a door with a plate number like sign , saying Sasaki Akemi , Akumu knocks the door to Akemi 's room

Akemi : Come in !

Akumu comes in to see Akemi having an ice bag on her because of her fever

Akumu : Well , it's a been long time . Akemi .

Akemi : Oh , Akumu . Hi *coughs*

Akumu : what happened to you ?

Akemi : I don't know how or why but . *sneezes* after Shimizu , Hoka and I tried summoning Fuin San . We ran away because Teru had a fight with Fuin San . But when I got home , I felt so bad in my body . And that's how I got this fever . It's been a week but I haven't heal from my own fever , and I've been gone through the same nightmare over and over .

Akumu : Maybe you answered Fuin San's question wrong .

Akemi : Well I don't know I was going to get a fever after that !

Akumu : Don't worry . I've something to make you better .

Akumu pulls out a feather out of her pocket a drags it across Akemi's forehead , then putting it back into her pocket

Akemi : What're you doing to me ?

Akumu : Just shut up and trust the process .

Akumu pulls out a black notebook from her bag and writes something then closing the notebook

Akumu : Feeling any better now ?

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