Chapter 5 - Boundary visit

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Note :
I'll be publishing every Friday until Sunday night in Malaysian time , I might start publishing if there's any school holiday going around

It was like any other days in school , except there's something different that happened on that day , it's lunchtime . The whole friend group were there , talking about their school project

Akemi : Wait , we had a school project ?

Shimizu : Yeah , it's a history project and we have to make presentation by next week .

Akumu : Ugh I hate history .

Hoka : You think you're the only one ? I also hate history .

Hoka says that agreeing to Akumu's confession

Shimizu : Well , what can we do ? It's not like we can tell the teacher to stop the presentation .

Akemi : Well , what historical empire should we do .

Hoka : Dude you don't remember bro ? We got Roman Empire . What're you ? Got Alzheimers or something .

Akemi : Well , I don't know , maybe I didn't come because I was SICK !

Hoka : Oh yeah , i forgot about that .....

Shimizu : Alright , I'm the leader , so I'll split the work to give it each to you .

The whole friend group quiet downs to listen to Shimizu

Shimizu : Akemi will do the historical buildings , Akumu will do the Historical figures and Hoka will do the historical events .

Hoka : Wait , hold on a minute , what about you , what should you do ?

Shimizu : Well nothing , I'll just sit and relax and watch y'all do the work .

Hoka : Bro this is straight up slavery dude .

Akumu : I'm going to the toilet .

Akemi :Alright , see you later !

Akumu goes to the toilet

Akemi : I think I'll go follow her .

Hoka : Well just go already .

Akemi follows Akumu to see her entering the Sealed Auditorium , seeing that made her instantly rush to the others to tell them

Akemi : GUYS ! I saw Akumu got in the auditorium .

Shimizu : Wait really ?

Akemi : yeah ! Cmon let's go !

Shimizu : hold up , let me finish my food .

Shimizu finishes eating his lunchbox , then leaves it on the lunch table to follow Akemi . At the time they arrived at the auditorium , Hoka opens the door

Hoka : It's lock ! How are we gonna get in ?

Shimizu : Don't worry , leave it to me .

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