Chapter 11 - Time Rogue [Part 1]

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It's been a week after Teru's first attempt on assassinating Akumu and since then. Akumu has been more careful when being around Teru, from the clock keepers point of view. From the incident made one of them gone rogue and makes a disastrous incident around the academy, While the one of the clock keeper was roaming the school . The students there just started going inside the school. And at the same time , Akemi approaches one of her friends

Akemi :Guess who~

Akemi closes Akumu's eyes with her hands

Akumu :Hmm , well if it isn't you , of course, Akemi ?

Akemi :Finally you got it right !

Akemi then let's go of Akumu's eyes

Akemi : It's been a long time isn't it ~

Akemi says with a soft voice and a smile on her face

Akumu :What do you mean long time ? The last time we met is yesterday.

Akumu says with a expression on her face showing a feeling of weird

Akemi :Well I don't know , it's kind of boring without you .

Akumu :What the hell is wrong with you now, you're acting kind of weird now Akemi .

Akumu says with a feeling of suspicion being with her

Akemi :Oh , I just want to be seen as soft , that's all .

Akumu :You're already soft , now come on ! Schools starting in a few minutes, let's go !

Akemi :Hmm okay .

Both Akumu and Akemi walked to their . As they continue the walking , they both saw one of their classmates running towards them


Shimizu :What do you mean rob you ? I came running to you both to show you something.

Shimizu says with a confusion expression on his face

Akumu :Wait really ?

Shimizu :Yeah ! Now quick !

Akumu and Akemi follows Shimizu to the place . At the time they arrived to the place, they saw something unexpected happened

Shimizu :Look at this ! How the hell can some part of the academy went lost ?!?

Shimizu shows a chunk of the academy being lost as if that part of the academy never existed

Akemi :What !?! How can things like this happened in the academy ?

Shimizu :I don't know ! Why the hell would you ask me .

Shimizu says with a shocking expression, after saying that . Hoka who is leaning on the wall pushes himself from the wall and walks to them to say something

Hoka :The same thing happened to the other rooms ,even some of them grew leafs that looked like they're abandoned.

Aila :Well what do we do about this ?

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