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Jessica woke up to a knocking on the bedroom door, she looked around Isabelle's room feeling unaware of her surroundings until she realised where she was with assistance from the scent of Isabelle still on the bed sheets.

"Hey babe, it's me can I come in?"


Atlas opened the door slowly and walked over to the bed and sat down as Jessica lifted herself up and leant against the wall with the lower of her body still in the comfort of the sheets. Atlas placed his hand on top of the sheets where Jessica's legs were and looked at her with his big brown doe eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night. I overreacted."

"It's fine Atlas. I'm sorry I never told you it's just big Jim made me promise and I only told Isabelle just in case it ended up being something important."

"I know Jess, I know how much 'big' Jim means to you and, I know nothing is happening between you and Isabelle. It's nice to see you two get along."

Jessica wondered what the hell Isabelle had said to Atlas for this kind of apology to come from him. Normally if the two argued they would say sorry to each other not too long after, but this apology really seemed to come from his heart.

"It really is nice to see you and Iz get along, remember how nervous you was when you first met her and Chole?"

"Yes. I remember you told me that Chole wasn't your sister's girlfriend and then when I brought up who was she, Isabelle got all upset saying how could I not know who her partner was and has she got a problem with gay people. I really didn't know how to react." Jessica relived the memory in her head and smiled.

"We really got you good didn't we."

"Ares holes! I thought she was being serious! Really thought you were all comedians with that plan didn't you."

"Funnier than you."

"Funnier than your face."

The two smiled at each other and shared a kiss.

"Come on let's get out of here. Feels weird to kiss in my sister's room."

Meanwhile, downstairs Isabelle sat at the table tired from her lack of sleep due to her nightmares and hungover. Whilst she sat there in self-pity, she was also helping her grandad eat his breakfast. She was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, her top with alcohol stains down it. Isabelle had chopped the carrots up nice and small for her grandad, not only did it make it easier for him to eat it was just how he liked them.

"You. You seem erm. You don't seem yourself... mm Isabelle."

It was a bit of a shock hearing her grandad say her name.

"I'm fine grandad."

"I know I'm old, but I know when my grandson is upset. Granddaughter."

"I just had one too many last night."

"It's that girl isn't it."

"Grandad Choe's been de- Choles been gone for a while now."

"No. The ginger one."


"I like Jessica, I don't think she has ever not called me big Jim."

"She is pretty great. But she is with Atlas.

"You didn't say it wasn't about her though."

What on earth were in these carrots Isabelle thought to herself, grandad hasn't been this coherent in days. The subject matter was sore, but Isabelle didn't mind talking about it with her grandad. She would talk about anything with him for an actual conversation with this wonderful man again.

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