characters that are poop

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We all know what poop characters are.

- perfect
- didn't evolve throughout the whole story
- boring
- annoying
- brag about their lifestyle without knowing it
- poop in general

For example, the main character listens to bands (ex. All Time Low, Green Day, Nirvana, Mayday Parade, Simple Plan). I mean yeah, I get that you have good music taste. Now shut up and fall in love so we can get this over with.

Well example number two will be:

The boy is badass and he doesn't show his fluffy side throughout the story (c'mon, admit that you came for the fluff).

Seems boring, doesn't it?

Now if you combine the two, you'll create World War Thr-

I'm kidding. Chill out and drink some water or something.


But, but, but!

Try adding a terribly cliché plot and bam, it's the worst story you've ever read.


Perfect characters are annoying as frick.

How to make your characters realistic:

· give them pet peeves

· make them have mannerisms (ex. twitching of hands, bouncing of leg if impatient, etc.)

· acne

· bad hair days

· swearing and use of words like "lolzor" or "IRL". (remember to italicize them because they are not real words)

· make them more human

I think people call them "Mary Sue"?

Eh, I call them "Ugh, You Again"s.


I think that's it for today! Hope you found this a tad bit helpful. Suggesting topics would be nice!

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