how to get inspired

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Basically, I'm going to tell you guys how to get inspired to write a story.

It's pretty easy, actually. You start of by looking for stories on the site. You didn't find what you were looking for? Then write it.

I mean, I was looking for a fanfic where someone from 5sos could read minds and I never found it, so I wrote a book with exactly what I was looking for.

Before starting a book, ask yourself these questions:

Would I read this?

Will this appeal to everyone?

Is this how I wanted my first draft to come out?

Am I happy with what I'm giving to my readers?

And once you're done with that, go write your book. If you happen to have writer's block, ask yourself this:

Would I want to waste this perfect story idea?

You'll surely get the motivation you need to write your chapter.

The main point of this chapter is: write what you want to read.

Hope this helped!

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