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You are seated at one of the tables in your bakery, pen in hand and small notebook in front of you. You are deep in thought, trying to recall everything needed to replenish the supplies in view of the preparation for a large order you've received for some company's opening event.your concentration is focused on the words, but in the back of your mind, you're already dreading your planned trip to the store, normally, the supplies you need to run your bakery are delivered to you on a regular basis. this particular order, however, arrived unexpectedly and requires a larger quantity than you originally expected. the delivery times from the supplier will be delayed, and you do not have enough time to place this order. This means that you must source all the necessary ingredients yourself, and a trip to the store sounds like an absolute nightmare.
"four bottles of vanilla extract... enough eggs to feed a 20 year old man in a bulk..." you ponder. "an insurmountable amount of sugar... enough to send an entire village into a diabetic coma..."

the sound of the bakery door opening interrupts your planning. It's Nanami, whom you greet with a warm smile. he returns the gesture, noting your troubled expression with apparent concern.

"You look tired"
he remarks, his tone gentle and caring.

"ah, is it that obvious?" You feel a wave of shyness and embarrassment wash over you as you continue. "yeah, a large company just placed a last minute order for their opening party. ideally, they should've submitted it a month ago to give me time to prepare, but they made a mistake with some papers, apparently. i would have declined it, but the poor secretary seemed so desperate because her boss was so upset. and they offered me a ridiculously good price too..." You finish with a deep sigh of irritation and dismay.

" you have a big heart y/n, but when should you prepare that order, wouldn't it be very exhausting and also I don't really see anyone working here beside you"

"I have two days to get everything ready which seems like a lot but trust me just getting all the supply here will take me like a whole day, I have some part time workers but their shifts aren't long enough to help me prepare everything so I'll be doing like 85% of the work"

"I can help"


"yeah, tomorrow is my day off i can help you with buying all the stuff you need"

"oh my, thank you so much you're the best" you say excited and greatful
As the clock hits six, you awake with a sense of purpose. your appointment with Nanami isn't until nine and you want to look your best when you see him. a slight unease flutters in your stomach, but you quickly suppress it. you put in extra effort to look nice. the day ahead of you is certainly not a date, and you don't want to look like you're delusional by thinking so. you're merely trying to look nice, that's all. yet, deep down, you can't help but feel butterflies in your stomach.

You perform your daily skin care routine, taking a bit more time than usual for your makeup. you don't want to overdo it, so you keep the look relatively simple, focusing on natural looking makeup. yoy selected your outfit the day before and opt for a simple yet figure flattering look: a pair of sleek black leggings paired with a form fitting white shirt. your hair is slicked into a sleek, high ponytail, and you choose a subtle yet pleasant perfume to complete the look.
By the time you're done, the clock has already passed 8:45 am. with only a few moments to spare, you send Nanami a quick message, informing him that you're heading out and explaining that he can find you exactly in front of your apartment building.you're aware that he's never been to this particular neighborhood, and that the GPS directions for the area can get somewhat confusing at times and you don't want to risk losing precious time due to potential confusion or delays.

Nanami indeed finds you waiting in the located spot, outside his brown Bentley Bentayga that suits him with no doubt, he obv needs a big car so an usv is ideal, classy and most importantly, spacious it allows him to sit comfortably unlike normal cars that make you crouch down and obviously he's outside his car to open the door for you like the true gentleman he is. he smiles and greet you and do the same as he opens the door then goes to his place.

"have you had breakfast yet?"
he asks eyes fixated on the road while one hand is on the streeing wheel that looked now oddly small compared to it, and the other one on the stick shift

it's 2am and all I can think about is how hot nanami looks driving. I can't wait to write a car smut and y/n will 100% be a passenger princess

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