Spider man is born!!!!!

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A normal sunny day in New York, beep beep! Ughh peter shuts off his alarm and sits up from his bed, peter! Aunt may yelling from downstairs, coming peter says then he slides his closet door open and gets some clothes and

throws them on and grabs his backpack laying by his door. Then picks up his glasses and puts them on and looks in his mirror, oh yeah my camera I can't forget that because we have a field trip, Peter runs down the stairs quickly

and his aunt may and uncle Ben sitting at the kitchen table, hey may hey ben, here is some waffles, sorry don't have time I have a bus to catch, hey peter come mere uncle Ben says and he whispers in peters ear saying after school grab some flowers from the market for aunt may here's some money, okay I will Peter

whispers and aunt may says have a nice field trip she says loudly love you, love you too and Peter opens the door and closes it behind him and sprints down the street to his bus stop. A few minutes later he sees the bus ahead and

runs towards it as fast as he can and the doors slowly close but Peter made it and the bus driver opens them back up, peter is surprised because he usually misses it but not today he then walks along the bus and everyone looking away and placing their backpacks besides them

so he doesn't sit their, and peter sees his number one bully flash and flash puts his leg out and then peter trips and falls onto the ground and everybody starts laughing at him,

puny Parker flash yells, peter gets back up slowly and embarrassed so Peter sits alone in the back. Five minutes later Peter is at school in class and sees the girl in his dreams passing him Mary Jane her self, her beautiful blue eyes and her beautiful wavy red hair, me standing

frozen and in love, but the teacher yells out that we're going to the spider museum and we started heading to the bus and I sat in the back

again because I was still embarrassed about earlier. Fifteen minutes later we arrived and we entered and the tour guy showed spiders right away and I got my camera out and took pictures and saw a lot of different cool colors on spiders and patterns then the tour guide showed us this spider with blue and red

spots on it, a spider starts going down on its web and lands on peters arm and crawls to his hand and then bites peters hand and Peter jumps up and flicks it off his hand and nobody noticed, but peter started to feel different, at the end of the day he got the flowers for aunt may and walking up the steps to his house and gets his key out and opens the door and sees

aunt may asleep on the table and Peter then places the flowers down by her and uncle Ben asleep on the couch, then peter runs upstairs to his room and places his backpack on the

ground and sets down his glasses by his bed and his eyes started to black out and then peter passes out on his bed till the next morning. Peter wakes up feeling energetic and looks in the mirror and notices that he can see without his glasses on and he has abs Peter is shocked and checks his hand and the spider bite is still

there then peter gets new clothes on and sprints down the stairs and runs out the door and runs to the city, and goes in a ally alright lets test if I can climb like a spider Peter then

places one hand on the wall and the other and starts climbing up, and Peter laughs in excitement and climbs up at the top of the

building woohoo!!!! Peter jumps across buildings and something comes out of his wrist and it's a web, woah and Peter shoots it out again from his other wrist and makes a big web

on the wall, he then attempts to jump off the building and see if he survives he was scared and excited then he just runs and jumps high in the air and does a back flip but he panics but

lands on his feet peter had a surprised face and knows that he has super powers. Throughout the day peter practiced how to use them and

later he went to the gas station to grab some milk and eggs, he entered in and went down to the back and grabbed the milk and eggs, uh hello Peter says, then the guy has headphones

in and ignores him, then peter got all of his stuff and gives the guy money and he exits out and notices that it's already dark so peter rushed home. Gotta hurry I hope aunt may isn't worried, he got to his house and opened the door and saw that aunt may is crying on the floor, may? Is everything alright, oh uh peter

I'm so sorry but Ben got shot tonight and they said that he passed she says and tears coming out of her eyes, peter lays down the eggs and milk on the counter and Peter has tears going down his face and Peter helps up aunt may and

they have a emotional hug, who shot him peter says, they said he got away and ran towards this abandoned house by the market, may I'm gonna go, wait no no please, I have to catch him may for what he did Peter says, then he thought to him self he has superpowers and if

he wants to use them he needs a suit so Peter ran up stairs and went to his room and found some knee pads and elbow pads and chest padding from his skate gear and went to the garage and spray painted them red and then draws a huge spider logo on the front and back,

he grabs gloves and his running shoes, oh yeah I need a mask so Peter got a old red ski mask and found black goggles but not the swimming ones. Peter putting on his gloves and padding and his mask and puts his two arms on his waste and poses him self, I am spider boy! Wait

no ummm oh spider man!, peter runs out his garage and running on buildings and shoots out a web from his wrist and swings across the city and back flips woohoo!!! And the air pushing through his face and then jumps down on the floor and sees the abandoned house in

front of him then peter takes a deep breath and enters in and hears footsteps ahead and sees a shadow behind the door he then opens the door quickly and the man was standing there with his gun pointed at him, peter

is frozen, get out of here or I will kill you I will kill you!!!! Peter steps back with his hands up but then

peter shoots out a web and webs the guys hand on the door and the gun drops down on the floor, what the what is this!, then peter picks up the gun and throws it out the window and

webs the other guys hand to the wall, you don't know what you took from me!!! Peter shouts, what? The man says, you killed Ben Parker you shot him tonight on your way here why? Peter says in rage, uh he got in the way he says, what

he did nothing wrong to you and Peter cry's, he was a good man but you, Peter then punches him across the face, and then again and again, the man's face all bloody, peter is about to punch him again but hears the cop sirens

outside and holds back his punch and knows that Ben wouldn't want this, and goes out the back and swings out. The cops caught the guy and he's in prison and Peter gets home that night and sneaks in his window and takes his

mask off and sits down on his bed, uncle Ben would want me to help people. The next morning I made breakfast for may and me and said that I was going on a walk and brought my backpack with my suit in it ready to see what

things are going on in the city, I get it on and perching on the corner of the building and sees a cop car chasing a car with looks like 4 guys ok let's do this spider man, I flip off the building

diving down and swinging across the air and I jump on the car, one guy pops out of the window and shoots his gun at me but I dodge the bullets and i shoot my web on his gun and throws it out, and then I web his face and

slams his face on the door, two guys come out of the window and shoot their guns but I flip in the air and kick one guy and throws him out and webs the other one in the front, can you stop this car please your really not doing the speed limit, I peak my head out and the guy

looks at me and throws a punch, oh to slow and again but still to slow, I knock him out with a punch and latch my webs on the steering wheel trying to turn it but its jammed so I flip in the air in front of the car and dragging my feet
the ground and pushing the car as hard as I can , ughh come on and it starts to stop and take my hands off and see that people cheering around me, and the news guys film their cameras at me, what's your name? I'm Spider-Man.

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