Because I'm SPIDER MAN

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A bunch of criminals place bombs around the whole city underground and taking orders from their boss scorpion, while Peter is at school in science class and not feeling good from the poison from scorpions tale. Alright class how do you take B to A and the teacher calls on someone randomly, okay flash what's the answer she says, flash lifts his head off the

desk and is confused ummm uh... drop the triangle? Nope Peter!, Peter then is watching YouTube on his computer and watching

himself saving people, Peter! Oh uh you flip the both sides and cut the middle, good job! And the bell rings and then Peter walks out the class room and also everyone else, MJ walks up to Peter, so did Mr. Jamison give you more

pictures to take MJ says, no I'm surprised that he hasn't yet? Oh yeah I forgot to show you,
this morning people found a bomb underground Times Square MJ says, Peter has a confused face oh no scorpion he whispers, what? She says, sorry I got to go uh love you bye then Peter runs off and opens the doors

quickly and sprints to the left and jumps over a gate, and runs on the wall to the top of his school building and pulls out his suit out of his backpack and hurries and puts it on, alright can't let that bomb explode it could go off at any second and then Peter puts his mask on and swings on the trees and then their is a wide

open field, oh crap nothing to web on! He yells while he's falling down and then tries to catch himself but he falls right on his face and he gets up and brushes off the dirt on his suit and continues to just run across the field, later he perches on a billboard at Times Square and sees people lifting the bomb with a crane and workers doing construction, hmm... then he

sees guys reloading their snipers on the roofs of the other buildings and Peter swings to one sniper guy and kicks him to the ground and

another guy shoots a sniper bullet at Peter but Peter barely dodges it and flips off the building and swings to the other guy and attaches his web on the sniper and throws it off the building, sorry that was a accident Peter says,

then the guy has a angry grin and pulls out a knife out of his pocket and tries to stab Peter but Peter slides under his legs and webs them together and the guy falls to the ground. My

spider sense is tangling he says and right behind him another sniper guy and he shoots the bullet at the bomb and Peter dives down and tries to stop it, but then the bullet was way to fast and hits the bomb, NOOOOO Peter says and Peter jumps down and grabs the

construction workers and put them down away from the bomb and Peter sees one more guy controlling the crane and jumps on it and crawling up it fast and the bomb beeping, ...BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! The bomb exploded and the crane slowly falling down and the fire from the explosion went up the crane and Peter finally gets to the top and grabs him

and dives back down and lands on a bank and drops off the guy but Peter has even more problems. the crane is about to crash into a big office building, ughh come on he says then Peter jumps back on the crane and shoots both webs out of his wrist and they attach to other buildings and then sticks them on the crane.

shoots another web and does the same thing again and again, everyone run the people say in the office building and everybody screams and runs to the elevator, Peter pulls with all his strength and rips his suit on one of his arms but the crane crashes into the building and slowly the building is getting destroyed, Help! Help! One lady says hanging on tight on the edge, Peter notices her and doesn't know what

to do he gives up on the crane and jumps down and then the lady's hand slips and she falls down but Peter is trying to catch her and he then grabs a piece of metal and jumps off it and gets a boost and...finally catches her and

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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