Scorpions and spiders

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Hey boss what's the mission, Hahahahaha he laughs quietly well I need high tech, there isn't high tech any where, that's why we make are

own he turns around having a evil smirk heh this is going to be fun!, yes boss. Meanwhile spider man is fighting prisoners that got out, spider man kicks a guy in another one and

spider man webs them both to the wall, get him ! The prisoners said, spider man jumps on the wall and jumps off and kicks two of them to the ground and one other guy go for a punch but he dodges and shoots a web in his face,

come on guys stealing parts from a workshop is not okay and spider man punches a guy and a other one and then he goes for a kick at a other one but the prisoner dodges it and shoots

spider man in the leg, and spider man groans in pain and falls on one knee. Heh not to strong now spider the prisoner says then all the other ones get up and one of the prisoners grabs a

big wrench and hits spider man across the face, and spider man falls on the floor, ughhh spider man trying to get up but his leg giving out on him and bleeding slowly, his goggles are cracked and his suit is all dirty and damaged, lets unmask him one shouts, get the parts in

the van and get the scorpion ready a prisoner says and smiles down at spider man, lets leave him for you then he walks inside of the back of the van and closes the doors and both vans drive off. Help Peter yelling in pain help!

Please someone he says, come on spider man come on spider man get up! And Peter slowly gets up and then stands up and sees bandages

in the workshop and sits on a stool and slowly takes the bullet out in his leg and wraps it, gotta get home then he walks home that night

and lays in his bed in pain but doesn't want may to know she would be so worried and I can't tell her I'm spider man and saving people out there and putting my self in danger and if I do tell her she would get hurt too. I have to tell may that I can't go to school tomorrow with my

leg, all just tell her I'm sick, but that guy said somebody that wants to kill me scorpion, making a suit out of scraps, I have to find them

tomorrow, need to make a new suit, then Peter uses a sewing machine and starts using blue and red, he then makes the black webbing on
it, then the mask, he makes the lenses and

finally makes a large spider symbol at the front and back, ok done. The next day Peter left a note on his bed saying not feeling well going to get some medicine, for may, meanwhile swinging through the city with his new suit and the lenses reflecting off the bright sun, meanwhile the criminals are making the tech on a big cruise ship underneath, and MACK

GARGAN the boss himself, with a cigar in his mouth and one red eye from a scorpion that bit him years ago, and his shaved head, alright

people he shouts, let's tear this ship in half, people having fun on top of the ship and people eating at a restaurant, also kids running around playing tag, while spider man swinging around past the ship and his spider sense is

tangling, so he swings to the ship and jumps

down on top of it, and sees his reflection in the water down below then he jumps to the bottom floor where the parking lot is. Ummm and sees the criminals working, uh hello! He shouts and the criminals look up and grab their guns and pointing them at him, woah okay okay just

visiting because I brought something for all of you guys, the criminals are confused and one grabs a big cannon off the table that they made with the tech and charges it up, uh oh that's not good spider man says, the guy fires the cannon at him and hits spider man off the ship in the

water, heh and they all go closer to the edge to see if he's their, but spider man flips out of the water and shoots both webs out of his wrist and attaches them onto two guys and spider

man threw them into the water, spider man then lands on the floor, who wants some he says, then one guy goes for a punch but spider man dodges it and punches him and kicks him into the water and another guy runs at him but spider man shoots a web onto his face and pulls his face down on the floor then the guy with

the cannon charges it up and shoots it at spider man but spider man pulls a man to him and the beam shoots the guy off the ship, that was a close one spider man says and spider man then

webs the front of the cannon and punches the guy in the face, and then webs his hands to the

wall and his ankles, but while spider man was fighting more criminals Mack puts on a metal green scorpion suit and it covers his whole body, and a giant scorpion tale with a very sharp tip at the end, and has a metallic black

visor on his face. Hahahahaha he laughs and spider man kicks a guy to the ground and sees scorpions shadow coming closer and closer hahahaha spider man squints his eyes with his fist up, and sees a sharp tale and then scorpion

glowing green in front of him and spider man is shocked and scorpion throws a punch at spider man but spider man flips to the side and shoots his webs onto his chest then scorpion pulls the webs and spider man gets pulled also

and scorpion grabs spider man's face with his bare hand and lifts him up in the air high and the tale slowly comes towards him and then about to stab him but Peter stops it with his

hands and using his strength to stop it, scorpion just laughing at him come on spider is that all you got? Spider man then shoots one web at a tool box and pulls it and hits it in

scorpions face and scorpion lets go of him and spider man shoots a ton of webs on him and then kicks him into the water, spider man takes off his mask and bruises all over his face,

He puts it back on and swings away, and buys a cheese pizza for himself and

climbs on top of a building and at the top he enjoys a slice of hot cheese pizza. No more scorpion guy now but he gets a call from his aunt may, and answers it uh hi may, hi Peter when are you going to be home I saw the note are you still not feeling good?, yeah just I'm

just uh...goin on a walk for a while, ok just text me when your gonna get home okay love you, love you too and Peter hangs up, I can get some more money for rent from Mr. Jamison let me call him, the phone rings and rings but

no answer, Peter sighs and finished the pizza and changes into his normal clothes and a guy passes out the bugle newspapers and Peter grabs one and sees the spider man photos at

the front and the title named the amazing spider man he smiles and the pictures says by Peter Parker. Peter then sees Mary Jane getting a hotdog from a hotdog stand, this is his only chance to ask her out, so Peter feels confident

and fixes his hair and started to walk towards her uh Mary Jane, oh Peter isn't it? She says,

yeah he smiles, I'm sorry about your uncle by the way she says, thank you, that must be really hard, it is and they start walking to together down the sidewalk, is that a camera?, uh yeah I have a job at the daily bugle and uh, do you mind if I can get a few pictures for you, of

course she smiles, and Peter takes pictures of her smiling and posing and he shows her them, beautiful she says, your beautiful Peter says, oh uh I didn't mean to... it's ok thank you I gotta go but uh tomorrow you want to meet at the park?, uh yeah yeah um here's my number Peter says, and Mary Jane puts it on her phone,

ok perfect tomorrow at 3:00 she smiles and Peter smiles back and Mary Jane walks across the street and Peter can't believe he really did that. Peter is back at home eating dinner with may and told may about his day and Peter goes to bed in excitement.

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