In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning

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No one POV 

Eleanor, Ivar and Ragnar were being taken away by Aethelwulf and Ragnar said "No matter what they do to me, you have to act like a cripple, and you act like a child, and then they won't feel threatened by you, either of you, the more you talk of your visions, the better, they'll think your mad." 

Eleanor said"And what are they going to do to you?". 

They were grabbed and taken away. 


Eleanor stopped as she turned around and looked back and said "Ivar, Ivar."

She walked around and said "Kattegat." 

She saw Lagertha's forces and they were cheering and she saw Aslaug walking up and Eleanor said "Mother." 

Aslaug said "How strange, Lagertha, that you should play the usurper. One woman against another. It doesn't quite fit with your reputation." 

Lagertha said "I was never the usurper. Always the usurped. You took my husband, my world, and my happiness. The fact that you're a woman is neither here nor there." 

Aslaug said "I didn't take your husband. He chose to be with me." 

Lagertha said "He didn't choose. You're a witch. You bewitched him." 

Eleanor scoffed and Aslaug said "If that's what you want to believe, it's up to you. I don't disagree women can have power over men. But it's not always magical, is it, Lagertha? In any case, Ragnar is dead." 

The Villagers murmured and Lagertha said "You don't know that." 

Aslaug said "I dreamed it. My daughter dream it. I warned him about his journey. In my dream, his boats were sunk in a storm. So in hers. Ragnar died, so did my son Ivar and so did my only daughter and last child Eleanor." 

Lagertha said "But you don't know that." 

Aslaug said "No.I don't know that for sure. It was just a dream." 

Lagertha said "And I have dreamed of taking back my home. I have dreamed it for a long time. But if I have to fight for it, then I will." 

Aslaug said "Don't worry. I could never fight you, Lagertha. I am not my mother, nor yet my father. I would never win." 

She dropped the sword. 

Eleanor said "What? What's, the vision, the, Get out, get out, get out, Mother leave now" and she went to walk up but couldn't walk closer. 

Aslaug said "But still I have fulfilled my destiny. The gods foretold Ragnar would have many sons. And I have given him those sons. I am as much a part of his saga, Lagertha, as you are. But now I renounce everything. All I ask is safe passage. All I ask is that you let me leave here in peace, to go wherever the gods decide. And you shall have back your hearth and home... With my blessing. And my sons, when they hear how it was done, will be grateful for the manner of it... And not seek revenge. " 

Lagertha said "I understand." 

Aslaug said "Thank you" and Aslaug went to walk away but Lagertha shot her with an arrow and Aslaug fell to the ground and looked at Eleanor who screamed and ran up and said "Mother, no no no no." 

Aslaug died, Eleanor cried out. 

Wessex, In a Cell 

Eleanor woke up in a prison and Ivar said "Eleanor" and Eleanor looked up and said "No no no she can't be, she." 

She looked to see she was in chains and looked at Ivar in chains and Ivar said "They brought us here, we might die." 

Eleanor said "Mother--mother is" and she stopped as her voice broke and Ivar said "Eleanor what is it what's wrong." 

Elenaor merely whispered it"Mother is dead" and she cried out and Ivar said "What are you talking about?". 

Eleanor said "She's dead, Mother, I saw it, It happened now in Kattegat, Lagertha killed her." 

Ivar said "No, it can't, she" and Eleanor said "It happened, I know it did, It was a vision of the present, it happened." 

Ivar looked down and looked back at her grieving and in shock and Ivar said "Did you see it" and Eleanor said "Yes, I screamed but I couldn't do anything in those stupid visions, What's the point of being a Seer, I kept seeing her in my visions, I kept seeing arrows, I didn't understand why, but now I do." 

Ivar said "We all knew it, Mother did, she wouldn't blame you, how were you supposed to know, they're never clear." 

Eleanor said "Mother is dead, and I had the chance to do something and I didn't, I should have just if I could control this, she'd be still alive." 

Ivar said "You don't know that." 

Eleanor said "I do. If I die here, I deserve it. But if I live, I'm going to find Lagertha, and I don't care who helps me or not, I will make her pay for it." 

Ivar said "We need to get out of here first, Sister." 

In another place 

Ecbert was talking to Ragnar and Ecbert said " I cannot kill you, yet you must die. This much is certain. The world demands it. But, uh, I cannot kill you." 

Ragnar said "Then hand me over to King Aelle. For we both know that he would take great pleasure in killing me. Then you can wash your hands of me." 

Ecbert said "My friend, I'd rather set you free." 

Ragnar said "My sons and daughter know that I have come to Wessex to see you. What do you think they'll do once they hear of my death? They will come over here and they will rip the lungs out of all of you. There will be no escape. They will avenge me." 

Ecbert said "I don't doubt you." 

Ragnar said "We trust each other, yes?" and Ecbert said "Yes." 

Ragnar said "Then do this for me. Let my crippled son Ivar  and my youngest daughter who's visions plague her mind go home. They are  obviously no threat to you. You arrange for a ship, for sailors. You just make sure my son and my little girl gets home safely." 

Ecbert said "You have my word." 

Ragnar said "Thank you." 

Ecbert said "And... In return?" and Ragnar said "I will tell my son Ivar and daughter Eleanor  to tell their brothers that you did everything you could to save me. That you and I, we are sworn friends and that King Aelle was solely responsible for my death. That way, when they come back... And they will... They will spare you, my friend... And they will take out all of their revenge on King Aelle. Then do it. Deliver me to Aelle." 

In the cells 

Ivar looked at Eleanor who kept looking at the door and Ivar said "I was worried for you" and Eleanor said "It's not the first time I fell and was in a vision." 

Ivar said "It's the first time while we have been captured" and Eleanor said "I should have been there." 

Ivar said "Mother understood why you went" and Eleanor said "I should have done more. I hate the visions, They always feel like a curse. Like maybe Sigurd is right, Maybe I am Mad, I'm a seer and I can't control my own gifts." 

Ivar said "Never listen to Sigurd, your smarter than that." 

Eleanor looked back at him and said "I'm sorry I couldn't save her" and Ivar said "Did you shoot the arrows at our mother." 

Eleanor said "No." 

Ivar said "Then it's not your fault, Lagertha is the only one to blame, did you see her die." 

Eleanor said "Unforunately not, but her faith is fixed. Her fate is to die." 

Ivar said "What do you mean" and Eleanor said "I have visions since I was 3, of all sorts of things, Sometimes the visions are just the words you hear in your head of what will happen. A prophecy, Lagertha will die by the hand of one of Ragnar's sons." 

Ivar said "I believe I know who that will be. I will get justice for our mother, and we'll get out of here." 

Eleanor looked at him 

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