A Simple Story

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No one POV 

Eleanor was focusing and touched the boat and stopped and Alf looked over and said "You don't have to do it, he can find another way." 

Ivar said "You want to take away the advantage we have" and Alf said "I want to not use my wife as she is a weapon." 

Harald said "The one who took that away is you, We had the advantage and we lost." 

Ivar said "As I remember, you approved the plan." 

Harald said "Up until that moment, you proved yourself a good tactician. I believed in you.
 I might not be so quick to endorse your plans next time." 

Ivar said "You do as you see fit, King Harald." 

Hvitserk said "Ivar, Uncle Rollo once told me on his ship on our way back from the Mediterranean, he said that if I ever needed his support, all I had to do was ask. What do you think?  Come on. What do you think? Do you want the Franks to help us?" and Ivar said "I think you ought to leave at first light tomorrow. Sister, find out where Rollo is." 

Alf said "She's your sister, not a" and Eleanor said "Alf, it's fine, I can handle it." 


The Franks arrive to help Ivar, Eleanor and Hvitserk and Eleanor walked with Hvitserk in Ivar's camp and Eleanor said "Where's our Uncle?". 

Hvitserk said "Rollo couldn't come. He had too many responsibilities. But he also told me that he would come back and celebrate with us afterwards. He only asked for one thing." 

Eleanor gasped as she held her head and she saw Bjorn and Lagertha speaking and Lagertha said "I doubt it, they are in a position of strenght now." 

Ivar said "And what was that?" and Hvitserk said "That we spare Bjorn's life." 

Ivar said "Perhaps we will." 

Hvitserk said "Ellie, are you alright?" and Eleanor said "I'm fine, Bjorn is coming to negotiate" and Hvitserk said "How do you? Oh right." 

Eleanor said"Where's Alf , I haven't seen him" and Ivar said "Your husband is with the troops, perhaps he shouldn't be around." 

Eleanor said "Ivar, he's my husband, he was only worried for me, you know all the visions" and Hvitserk said "And all that must be bad for." 

Eleanor said "I know what you mean, please keep King Harald away from me, because if I get asked one more time if I'm with Child, I might end up shooting arrows through him." 

Later, Bjorn came to speak to Ivar and Eleanor stood in the tent and Bjorn said "But where is Rollo? Where is my uncle?" and Hvitserk said " I went to meet him. He sends his love to you, Bjorn Ironside, and hopes you're not willing to fight against his forces. " 

Bjorn said "Then why would he commit his forces to you?" and Hvitserk said "He didn't tell. That's the truth. Only that he was prepared to do so." 

Ivar said "I can tell you. Rollo sees justice in our cause. Lagertha murder our mother and usurped her kingdom." 

Bjorn said "All that is in the past now, Ivar." 

Eleanor said "Seriously, so if someone murdered your mother, would you put it in the past" and Bjorn didn't answer and Eleanor said "No, you would want justice, to avenge her, and so shall we, and not listen to you being a hypocrite." 

Hvitserk said "Eleanor" and Eleanor said "What, it's not like if it's not true, he knows he's a hypocrite, I'm merely pointing it out." 

Bjorn said "For the sake of our father... for the sake of our father's legacy and everything he believed in, I am asking you, Ivar, do not put our people's lives at risk." 

Ivar said "The only reason why you are saying this is because you see all the might gathering against you. If you still thought you could win, you would not be here, Bjorn. The fact is, you are afraid." 

Bjorn said "I'm not afraid. This changes nothing. " 

Ivar smiled and said"Well" and guards walked up with swords and Hvitserk said "Ivar." 

Harold said "You know as well as I do, that this is not our way, this is not our way" and Ivar did not change his mind when one of the guards's sword was shot out of his hand and they looked up and Eleanor had shot the arrow and was pointing the bow and arrow at everyone. 

Eleanor said "Anyone attacks my brother, and the next one goes in your eye" and Bjorn looked at her. 

Ivar said "Sister" and Eleanor said "He's our brother, you will not kill him in such a dishonourable way, so call it off, or I will call it off my way." 

Ivar looked at her and Eleanor did not back down and Ivar said "It was worth a try." 

He gestured to the guards to lower their swords and Eleanor lowered her bow and arrow and Bjorn said "Eleanor, thank you." 

Eleanor said "It's not as if you needed it" and Bjorn said "I'm sorry Rollo had to involve himself in our quarrel. Doesn't he have worlds enough to conquer? Eleanor, you are my youngest sister, I do not wish to lose a sister again. You are married, and you shall have a child soon if you don't have one already, do you want that child to die."

Eleanor said"Do not take the fact that I saved you, or that I am weak, I did not, Lagertha murdered my mother and she will die for it. if the cards were flipped, you would do the same, but yet you act as if I'm reaching too far for wanting justice, so I will get justice for my mother, the women who gave birth to me, unlike Ubbe, I actually know the meaning of loyalty. So, you can say what you want for as long as you want, but my answer will remain the same. Leave." 

Bjorn walked away. 

Ivar looked at her and Ivar said "Why did you have to do that" and Eleanor said "Ivar , you wanted to kill our brother without honor, not even in the battlefield, in some ambush, when he came as a messanger, men who do that don't tend to live long." 

Eleanor walked away and Alf looked over at Harald and smiled. 

Ivar said "Women, so sensible" and Alf said "I wouldn't say that if I were you,  It is hard to fight against someone who can see all outcomes, a terrifying warrior." 

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