The First set

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In the grand city of Veridia, a secretive society known as The Gentlemen has quietly woven its web of influence throughout the shadows. Founded centuries ago, this prestigious group rose to prominence by adhering to a strict code of sophistication, honor, and discretion. Led by a mysterious figure named Ludicop, The Gentlemen have become synonymous with prestige, power, and the pursuit of knowledge. The Discord server serves as the digital headquarters of The Gentlemen, acting as the conduit for like minded individuals to gather, communicate, and embark on various adventures together.

Brain Cell

Shortly after the great society known as The Gentlemen was created, it gained both allies and enemies. Its allies aligned themselves with The Gentlemen because of their common interest in the pursuit of sophistication, honor, and discretion. These allies brought much power and prestige to The Gentlemen by their courageous acts and diplomatic abilities.

But some became jealous of the power and prestige of The Gentlemen. They felt that because this great society was so young at the time, its glory was not deserved, so they set out to destroy it. One name synonymous with hate for The Gentlemen is Enzoid Salt. He spread blasphemous propaganda against The Gentlemen and tried to sow dissension among its members but failed miserably. The bond between The Gentlemen was too strong and their honor too great for them to fight amongst themselves. Today Enzoid Salt cowers in the shadows in fear of the Gentlemen. There have been very little traces of him since his failure to ruin The Gentlemen. Few know his name, but many are very aware of his horrendous acts against The Gentlemen and that he still works for their destruction even to this day.

Mr. Smirking

(Geralt arc one)

Geralt took a step out of the shadow. Ludicop had told him to wait here for their target. They didn't usually perform assassinations, bit this was special. One of Enzoid salts old allies had rose to power, and he needed to be eliminated. Fast. Geralt slowly squeezed the trigger, and the bullet went straight for Enzoids ally's head. Unfortunately the car hit a bump, the bullet only going through his arm. Painful, crippling, but not deathly. Geralt let out enough curses that he probably would've been beaten by his father (May he rest) for it, before firing again for the killing shot. Then proceeding to duck into a house with a hidden trapdoor, then jumping in.

Geralt was being chased. He couldn't see them. But he knew they could see him. He'd surfaced from the sewer after hours of careful walking to about 5 miles from the scene. They must have been patrolling. Luckily he'd brought his Colt revolver, an old one, but a good one. He had 11 bullets. He'd used one in the sewers against a patroller. He ducked behind a house before doubling back through the alley, finally catching sight of three patrollers trying to see where he'd gone. It took 4 silenced shots to silence them. He dragged their bodies into a corner and tossed a match and a bunch of paper on them, giving them a cremation and a distraction for him. Within hours, he was back at headquarters going through the door.

Geralt tipped his hat to Moderator. No one really knew moderators name, so everyone called him Mod. Geralt tossed his trench coat onto the coat hanger, someone would wash the blood and sewage off it. On the way to Ludicops office, Smirk came up to him with his energetic attitude. "Did it go well?" Geralt laughed and nodded, immediately Smirk let out a cheer and within seconds everyone was congratulating Geralt on his success, he retold the story like 12 times.

Geralt finally got away from the questions as Smirk started yelling and Mod told everyone to 'get your flat asses back to work or something other than bothering him' Geralt waved to Smirk as he *finally* opened Ludicops door, Ludicop immediately greeted him "How'd it go?" Cop asked, grinning. "Went fine. First shot was crippling, second was a kill shot."

"Any trouble on the way back?" Cop asked, and Geralt nodded "Patrollers, I got away though." Cop grinned"That's great! You can have the rest of the day off." Geralt protests, saying there's more work to do, but Cop persists and Geralt grudgingly promises to actually sleep tonight. When Geralt gets back to his room he shares with Smirk he sees Smirk cleaning his revolver. Geralt tosses Smirk his own revolver "Can ya clean that too?" Smirk snorts "Sure dude." Geralt breathes out and crashes into his bed. "Geez dude your tired as fuck." Geralt nods, before flipping Smirk off and going to sleep. (End of Geralt arc 1)

Mr. Smirking

(Koro Arc one)
Koro woke up to screaming. His dad had been assassinated yesterday, and he was ashamed to say that he was kind of glad. His father wasn't a good one, he beat him almost everyday, and such. After his father's death his life immediately took a worse turn. He already had his stuff an he was planning to make his escape tonight. He didn't know where he'd go, but he had to leave this shithole.

Koro was lost. It had been almost a week since he left and he REFUSED to go back. It wasn't worth it. He'd been sleeping on the streets lately. He took a bit of his apple when he saw a shadow cover him. It was an extremely, handsome man. But a dangerous handsome, a sharp handsome. The man flashed a sharp grin before holding out a hand. "Hey kid. Names Enzoid. Enzoid Salt."

Enzoid was kind to Koro. He was still scared but Enzoid treated him well, feeding him, making sure he didn't die, adn giving him a place to rest. It wasn't long before Enzoid decided Koro needed.


(End of Koro arc one)

Mr. Smirking

(Start of Wyff arc one) Wyff took a sip of the whiskey. He and Geralt were undercover in a bar while Smirk tried to set up, distractions for later use. It wasn't long before who they were looking for arrived. It was one of Enzoids followers. One of the first actually. Pepper. Pepper was a woman of very tall stature. And Wyff saw Smirks signature grin widening as he set up the distractions, it took a while but eventually, when Pepper was sitting at a table, Wyff catches the detonator Smirk tossed him before dashing upstairs as Geralt and Smirk dashed outside. Wyff took out his revolver, shooting the soldiers that were up there, before jumping out a window into a cushion Smirk had made, before pressing the detonator. The whole bar went up in flames, and Wyff grinned as he got up and walked away. Without a speck of dirt on his clothes. As usual. (End of Wyff arc one)

Thats all for the first one.

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