The Fourth Set

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Mr. Smirking

(Start of koro arc two) Koro fled. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. THAT WAS GERALT. Koros breath camera e out labored, after just encountering one of the most dangerous humans he would ever encounter. Geralt was a- shit! Koro ducked before kicking Wyff in the stomach, the man stepped sideways before punching Koro in the face. Koro, once again knowing when he's beaten, fled once more, running into two lower level Gentlemen. Koro punched the first in the stomach before grabbing the man's knife and shoving it into the second mans face. He was dead before he hit the floor. Koro ripped the knife out and slit the first man's throat before continuing on. He needed to get to main base, Enzoid would know what to do. He always DI-HOLY FUCK! Koro went flying after Wyff had ran into him with his car. Wyff stepped out in disgust at the blood on his car before stepping towards Koro. Koro yelled into his watch "EXTRACTION! NOW!" Wyff reached out but before he grabbed Koro, koro disappeared. Leaving behind floating purple particles. Wyff hummed, then turned around. Back where Koro was he elbowed their enslaved teleporter, Bjohn? He forgot already. Whatever, he needed to report to Enzoid. He smirked, then started walking. (End of Koro arc two)


(Start of Fera arc 1)Fera had been working for The Gentlemen for about a year at this point and was one of the newer members. When he joined, Ludicop had promised him excitement and adventure, but neither had been fulfilled. He mostly worked behind a desk, writing paperwork for their sales. He was trying to be patient, but as each day passed, it had started to become harder to do so. Mod, Smirk, Geralt, Bjorn, and Ludicop had been the hero's of The Gentlemen, he was impossibly jealous of them. He was filling out a paper, on the verge of falling asleep when Ludicop sat next to him. "I have some news for you" said Ludicop. Fera responded, "You finished another mission?" "Actually, I have a mission for you." Fera looked at him in disbelief. Unsure he had heard him correctly, responded, "What?" "I have a mission for you." Fera jumped up in excitement "Thank you sir! Whats the mission?" "You're going to go to Michigan. When you get there, go to gunpowder street in Sault Marie. There, you will meet a man named Hatus with a cat sitting on his shoulder. He will fill you out on the rest. The next day, Fera was on a plane to Michigan. (End of Fera arc 1)


(Start of Fera arc 2)

Fera was sitting in his seat, when the flight attendant practically threw his water at him, making him spill it all over himself. "I shouldn't have flown with Spirit Airlines." He thought. As he was drying himself off to no prevail, he felt something hard and cold put to his head, and a very distinguishable gun cocking click. He immediately ducked as the first shot rang out and all hell broke loose. People were screaming as Fera grabbed the shooters gun and attempted to wrestle it away from him. As he was fighting with the gunman, a large knife was shoved into his side. He yelped in pain as he was shoved away. Fera swiftly dodged as two more shots were fired. The shots went into the cabin, and immediately, the plane started to nose dive. A feeling of zero gravity came over them as they were lifted into the air. He pulled his firearm from his belt and started firing while dodging. The two men clashed in a shootout while floating around, dodging eachothers bullets. The man crashed into a suitcase, knocking the gun out of his hand, and before he could dive away, Fera had shot sent a bullet straight through his head. As he was floating there, triumphant, a man cried out, "We're going to crash!" Fera remembered they were going down, and went to a seat and buckled up. He could only hope as he braced for impact.

(End of Fera arc 2)

Mr. Smirking

(Gentleman File, Ludicop file) Ludicop. Being The leader of the gentlemen, he is an eccentric being. His race is of Shy guys, and he stands at 3"10, very tall for a shy guy. His outfit consists of a red robe and a white mask with eyeholea and a mouthhole. His past is unknown other than his first appearance was corresponding with the first appearance of the gentlemen. His weapons consist of mainly an enchanted crowbar for melee, and he has an always holstered Deagle. -Danger level, high-(End of file Ludicop)

Mr. Smirking

(Start of file Geralt) A nuisance. He somehow always seems to be in the right place at the right time. Perhaps some spiritual beings is guiding him. If so we need to find a way to exterminate it. Bullets always seem to miss him, and if they do hit they never leave lasting damage. His stumblings into completely hidden plans are again, completely strange. His race is of human(We think) He has neat brown hair, stands at 6"8. His outfit consists of usually a suit, jeans, and heavy duty shoes. Be aware, a fight with him is not a win. It is death. Flee. -Danger level, Flee-(End of file Geralt)

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