18 - His Personal Rubik's Cube

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WWID was not the only question Katsuki asked himself.

Sometimes he asked, What Would Izuku Think?- WWIT.

That question never failed to entertain him, because as smart as he was, and as good as he was at playing chess, he could never guess Izuku's thoughts with 100 percent accuracy.

He imagined he could play the small mental game throughout the endless centuries like puzzling over an eternal Rubik's Cube. He knew there had to be a magical combination that would unlock the entire puzzle, but he suspected he would always be doomed to failure.

Because they were polar opposites in so many ways.

He was a predator; Izuku was a herbivore. He was intensely an alpha male, and Izuku was a soft, half human boy.

Often they didn't laugh at the same jokes. Really, it was amazing they got along as well as they did.

Sexual attraction helped, but it couldn't be the entire glue for the relationship.

Somehow, magically, they clicked.

Izuku gave when he couldn't- and Katsuki was honest enough to admit that the greenette did it more often than he did. And when Izuku couldn't, Katsuki found a way to reach for him.

As he watched his mate walk away, he knew they had just experienced another point in time where their views divided, and he wasn't even sure if Izuku had been aware of it.

What he had said was true: too many lives were potentially at risk from this contagion. When Izuku had agreed, he knew that his mate had leaped to concern for all those who might be in danger, but Katsuki hadn't.

People died all the time. They always had, and he cared about almost none of them.

The dragon was not generous with squandering his emotions.

No, his concern about the increasing number of lives that might be endangered was strictly limited to two things.

One was, how much danger did it mean for those few people the dragon did care about?

The second was, the more people who died from this, the worse the political fall out would be.

Last month, the human world had put theArchaic Races on notice- they were watching, and they were disturbed by what they saw.

In fifty short years, the spring massacre in the Nightkind Domain, along with all the other issues that had arisen over the last eighteen months, would become nothing more than minor footnotes in history. But right now, the massacre was too soon, too raw in people's memories.

This problem in the Light Fae Domain might not be Kaina's fault, but the humans wouldn't see it that way.

Non-magical humans might not be susceptible to catching the contagion, but they could be caught and killed by hordes of those who had turned.

This was everybody's problem, and it appeared to have been caused by the Archaic Races. It wouldn't matter to the human government that the Archaic Races Domain responsible lay in Ucrea.

When reacting with racial bias, people tended to get very simplistic in their thinking.

So aside from the personal considerations, the calculator in Katsuki's head clicked on, and he looked at this whole fiasco as a numbers thing.

The more people who died or were victimized, the larger the fall out would be, and right now, he couldn't finish that equation, because they hadn't succeeded in containing the hazard yet.

He needed to step up the preliminary work with the Dark Fae engineers he had hired from Mina, just in case.

The Margin Land under his control from upstate Musutafu was a massive, protected place, but it was also almost completely pristine and undeveloped.

Crossing Fates : Special Story 5 - The Unicorn Attends A Sleepover (BakuDeku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora