Chapter 1- Meeting

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Hawks POV

      I walk faster, sensing a presence behind me. I'm on my way to a league meet, and if some random civilian were to have followed me there, I don't know what I would do, besides be screwed, of course. I hear some rustling, most likely in some brush behind me. Its the same person I sensed before. Should I risk turning around? 

     I decide to risk it. I turn around slowly, at a 45° angle. From this point, I can look behind me enough to figure out who it is. I glance back, using my peripheral vision to my advantage. Its... Dabi? Well, that's a surprise. This may only be my 3rd meet with the league, but I already know Dabi isn't one to be late.

     "So, why are you late? I didn't take you for the late type." I say, voicing my thoughts.

      "I could say the same about you. But here you are. Not only that, you're also missing your wings. Care to explain?" He replies, his voice low and bored.

      "Ehh, ran into some small-time criminals. I left them with Jeanest as soon as he got there though. Not that its your business. Now, your turn." I say. I wonder why I shared so much with him. He isn't even an ally.

      "I'm good. I just didn't feel like being on time." He says. Its a see-through lie.

      I'm about to call him out on it too, when, suddenly, his body seems to melt away. It's terrifying. I try to help him, but I'm at a loss for words. I dive at his body, trying to hold him together. Then, I stop.

      "Wait, this is Toga's quirk. Toga?" I ask, glancing at the mushy body. It looks more like vaguely tan clay at this point.

      Toga pops her head out of the mess. "Yup! Its me! Himiko Toga!" She says, revealing just a little too much cleavage for my comfort.

      "Put some clothes on," I sigh, throwing my jacket at her. Blush dusts my face. I'm not attracted to her, it just surprised me to see her naked.

      Toga smiles so big her eyes become tiny squinty lines as she throws on my jacket. "Y'know, you're pretty cute! If you weren't so much older than me, I might've started to like you." She says.

      "Well, I'm thankful for that. You're 16, and I'm 22. Its 18 and up for me, little villain." I say, patting her head.

      Toga smirks and starts to run off towards the building where the meeting is, and I sprint to keep up. "You're pretty damn fast" I call to her, "But now I'm starting to wonder, how the hell did you get Dabi's blood?"

      "He had a nose bleed, said it was something he saw on TV. It was quite a lot of blood, I'll admit. I asked if I could use his blood, to pull a prank on the newbie, aka you. He said yes, so I took it." She says, smiling up at me.

      "Haah, I don't even remember what I did at 16," I say vaguely.

"Oh? Please do elaborate" she says slyly, a smirk on her face, even as we near the run-down shack our meeting is at. 

      I'm momentarily caught off guard. I didn't realize I was talking out loud. "Don't worry. All you need know is that I hardly remember anything before the age of 18" is all I tell her.

      Its the truth, but stretched a little, I'll admit. I do remember what happened, the day after I turned 17. I was a third year at UA, and I was training for battle with another student, except, this student had an underdeveloped acid quirk. We were fighting, and then, suddenly, I blacked out. I woke up a year later. That's how long I was in a coma. I woke up all alone in a hospital bed, with no one else in the room. I tried to call out, but I couldn't. There was something forcing air in my mouth, and out my nose. I tore it off.

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