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Classes the next day were less tolerable than usual. All Wednesday could do was think about Enid and curse her luck for not being able to be with the girl. She very obviously needed someone competent to keep her safe and everyone in this school besides Wednesday was the dictionary definition of incompetent.

She should know, she did have the dictionary after all.

With last night's episode Wednesday feared that the nightmares that haunted Enid were getting more frequent.

If only she could be within 5 meters of that awful woman that dared call herself a mother. She wouldnt even need her knife, a simple blow dart would do. Of course it would be the last thing that woman ever saw and that wouldn't do, the last thing she would ever see would be Wednesdays face. That woman would run the day. She'd make sure of that.

But until then she would take care of the pink thing and make sure she got her cookies and water. Both staples for Enid, no matter how odd Wednesday thought it was.

Maybe a shirt with a chocolate chip cookie pattern would suit Enid. What a silly thought, Enid suited anything. Her loba could even make odd patterns look stunning.


The library was oddly noisy today. Why did the entire school have to be here right when she wanted to research(it was only 2 other people)

Most of them were weaklings anyways so they probably wouldn't dare bothering her. If they did Wednesday knew were they slept amd what they feared the most.

Was that a section on terrors? What a useful thing. Why had she never seen it before now.

While she was there it would be a good idea to read up on PTSD or night mares especially with the extreme ones Enid had been having. Last night had been one of the worst ones and she didn't want to be in the position of not knowing how to help again. It had been... unpleasant. How odd, usually she wouldnt have cared. It was probably a bug going around.


Wednesday was typing away at her typewriter and nothing was coming to her, all she could think about was how radiant Enid had looked in that dress, she'd positively glowed. The twirl she'd done had nearly done Wednesday in. It didn't help matters that the moonlight had caught Enid at just the right moment either.

Why in the world was she writing a poem? It was unbearably gushy. There was no use for it, she would have to start this page over. Nevertheless, she discreetly stowed the paper into a drawer in her desk.

A moment later Enid burst in full of color warmth and her pink snood. She was practically vibrating with joy as she squealed "Wednesday!! You just won't believe what happened to me!"

Several moments of Wednesday staring at her passed.

"Well ask me what happened!"

"What happened mea vita"

Enid giggled "Don't be so grumpy about asking me willa" then she started to flap her hands while jumping up and down, it was the most horrific display of emotion Wednesday had ever witnessed. It was also strangely adorable? What a strange thought.

"So" Enid stated, while still doing the ridiculous display " I heard a rumor from Bianca who heard it from yoko who heard it from a friend that Ajax likes me!"

Why in the world was the floor shaking? It felt like as if it was crumbling into itself. Why had her backup pen broken? Her knives looked very tempting as well.

"What a nice rumor Enid"

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