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A crackly voice buzzed over the intercom sputtering before finally managing to announce to seemingly the world at large "Would Wednesday Addams please report to the principals office" less a question and more a demand really.

Moments later the raven haired girl was still debating on wether or not it would be worth it to just go straight to the office or if it would be more entertaining to lead them on a little chase through the deep, dark woods. Quite honestly the latter sounded far more enjoyable and as an added bonus she had been needing to get out all the extra energy she'd been having lately. Being restless was for the weak minded but damnit she was feeling restless.

Deciding to lead them all on a rather morbid chase she turned, walking towards a darkened corner, but alas, just as she turned towards the most definitely secret exit that she had taken great pains to ensure it remained secret, was apparently, no longer a secret. What an incredible inconvenience, especially since there were now two kissing shmutzes in it. Why were there so many of them wandering around lately? You simply shouldn't let the creatures run amuck. Especially since nowadays you couldn't turn around without being practically slapped in the face with love.

Visibly souring as she thought about it, Wednesday unthinkingly sent some poor freshmen scrambling as she walked silently towards Weems office. If she gathered all these inconveniences up it all added up to a very inconvenient day Wednesday mussed. This was not on the agenda but she supposed that the agenda would just have to move on. Especially since it wasn't her agenda in the first place.

After a brisk walk the girl reached the door to the principals office. Not even taking a moment to alert the other person in there that she had arrived. Twisting the steel doorknob she opened the door to reveal Weems writing at her desk, a frown on her face as she seemingly thought of a recent problem.

She didn't notice the girl till Wednesday stood right in front of her, eye to eye, and shoulder to shoulder. Startling the principal stood quickly, her hair getting mussed in the process, papers flying to the floor as she regained composure. However, once she had regained said composure the mask of polite friendliness took over as she said amicably "Please sit down Wednesday." The raven haired girl didn't believe that smile for one second.

Giving the older woman a sharp look Wednesday replied "I think I'd prefer to stand" You never gave these people anything, you gave an inch, they took a mile. The horribly friendly smile on Weems face flickered slightly before finally dropping, eyes narrowed as she nodded curtly before leaning into the side of her desk.

"It has come to my attention that you have been, how do I put it-"

The goth continued staring, not uttering a word. It always made others uncomfortable. Like holding a door open for someone clearly meters away, that was, if Wednesday held open a door for anything or anyone.

Continuing on stoutly the silver haired woman said "It has come to my attention -and I won't put this lightly- that you have been terrorizing the other students and some of the newer faculty"

Finally breaking her silence Wednesday questioned "Is walking the hallways and minding your own business terrorizing others now?"

The older womans sharp tone made its appearance as she said "No Wednesday, it is not a crime but it does become problematic when you not only pull a knife on another student but also frighten more than five freshmen away from this school."

Looking down the goth noticed that the wood around the desk where said principal was holding it had cracked. Foot tapping barely enough to notice and eyes narrowed. Noting this Wednesday decided that taking the beneficial path would be to her advantage in the long run. To bad that wasn't on her agenda.

Leaving Weems's office the severely pissed off goth reflected on how that woman had the sheer audacity to inform her that the unladylike behavior she had been exhibiting was unacceptable because of how it was affecting the students, ha! They were all just weaklings and cowards the lot of them! Couldn't take a bit of a stare or a look every once in a while could they? Ok, so maybe the knife at that one sirens throat had been a bit much for these people but still! Why where they causing such a ruckus about her of all people when Enid was going on a date with someone much to unacceptable for even the lowliest of worms. No, the even the worms didn't deserve that. But in the raven haired girls opinion they were allowing their students to date much too young in Wednesdays opinion .

And no matter how much Weems disagreed she never stomped she simply walked with a heavier tread so as to warn others that if she was crossed their fates would be particularly painful. It was really for their own safety, she was practically doing them a favor!

Pausing once she reached the door to her dorm she took in a breath, exhaled, and took hold of the cold door knob twisting it open.

Revealing her roommate, a vampire, and a siren all sitting on the blondes bed doing their nails and hair. Slightly confused but nevertheless plowing on the goth walked silently over to her side of the ever more claustrophobic room, it seemed that as each day passed the werewolf found some new and painfully colorful item to add to her already monstruos collection. One of the aftereffects of said collection was that her wonderfully macabre side of the room was beginning to feel the effects of all the colors, it was being "de-gothified" as so helpfully supplied by the blonde herself.

But that was a problem for another day, pulling out her chair and preparing the typewriter Wednesday sat down and got to work on her latest project, only pausing when the aforesaid siren said with a smug little grin "Not even a hello Bianca? Just ignoring me and poor Yoko for that 500 year old phone?"

The werewolf sighed putting her hand on her chest in mock hurt saying "Don't worry Bianca dear, my darling Willa hasn't said a word to me either"

"So I wasn't the only one left out in the cold?"

Raising her eyebrows slightly Wednesday said "Hello Enid" and as she resumed her work she replied to the siren saying "I don't waste precious breath on those below me"

Still painting her nails the vampire grinned at her grilfriend and in that dratted sing song voice said "Oooooh, she's pissed today, wonder why"

"My lovely little bloodsucker, you seem to have forgotten that someone is going on a date with a certain person"

"That would explain all her woes my darling little choir girl"

"I do not have woes, woes have me"

The half moon rose in the sky as Enid waited for Ajax by the door. This was going to be a wonderful night, that was a promise she'd made to herself. So what if Willa was a little mad? She would get over it just like everyone else did and she, Enid, would have someone to love her, if not at the very least like her. So, she waited for the resounding knocks on her door.

Enid's New DressOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz