Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Dylan’s P.O.V

I groaned, wondering what was waking me up. I heard a hushed voice, and instantly thought, “Brian.” However, with my eyes still closed, when I went to open my mouth to snap at him, I realized it wasn’t him. It couldn’t be, unless his voice got higher since the last time I heard it. He may be a little boy, but it wasn’t Amanda’s-voice-high. 

I cracked my eyes open, shocked to see her laying right next to me, her phone pressed to her ear, and talking in a very quiet whisper. I was even more shocked to find out that my arms were around her and she was pressed into me. How had I not noticed that fact the second I woke up? I guess it just…felt normal for some reason. I’d never done that with her before, but it felt all too natural. 

I ignored the fact that she was on the phone and buried my face in her neck, smelling her flowery shampoo, and holding her to me tighter. Not only that, I started listening to her phone conversation, trying to figure out who’d she’d be talking to at this time. 

“Like I said, I’m sorry. But I’m too tired to drive home right now.” After a few seconds, she sighed. “No mom, I didn’t have sex, and no, Nate can’t come get me. I’m sure he’s sleeping and tired too.”

I panicked. She was talking to her mom. Her mom was probably so mad that she would never let her come over again. She thought we had sex…oh boy. Now they’re really going to watch us. For signs of a relationship…for signs we’re having sex. Well, it wasn’t like I never thought about it with her, but with how religious she was, I didn’t see it happening any time soon. But, that didn’t mean her mom knew that. Heck, it would be better if she didn’t know I was even thinking about it. She can just think her darling daughter will be a virgin forever. 

“You and dad can’t come get me either since you both have work tomorrow. Just let me stay. I’m sorry I fell asleep at his house. I’ll go to confessionals or something, will that make you happy?” 

I scowled. Why would she have to go to confessionals if we didn’t do anything?

Her mother seemed to think the same thing, because next she was saying, “No! We didn’t have sex, mom. Ugh. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I’m too tired right now. Bye, I love you.” She closed her phone and wiggled to get it into her pants pocket. It would have been easier if I would have released her, but I wasn’t about to do that any time soon. 

“Your mom seems like a pain in the ass. Well, actually, I shouldn’t say “seems like.” I’ve met and talked to her before, therefore, I know she is.” I spoke into her neck sleepily. 

She giggled and settled in my left arm, and rested her head comfortably on my right. She didn’t even seem to mind that we were like this, even though a while ago she was turning me down when I asked her to be my girlfriend. Jeez, she’s sure changed quickly. 

“Yeah, she can be, no doubt about it. I’m sorry about falling asleep here.” She murmured sleepily also. I couldn’t see her face, but I could still tell her eyes were closed. 

I shook my head, managing to dig my face deeper into her neck and hair. “Don’t apologize. I love it.” I tightened my arms for a second, as if to show her that I meant what I said. I wish I could have her there in my arms forever. I would never want to move. Even though I knew we’d have to move in the morning. I just hoped that my mom wouldn’t react badly about this. She might though…especially if my dad catches wind of it. He’d throw a shit-fit. But I would deal with all of that in the morning, after Amanda leaves my arms. I was not only tired, but extremely happy with where we were. 

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