Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Dylan’s P.O.V

I walked through the halls of the hospital, giving people head nods, and waves. They had seen me walk through this very hall for a week now, so I think they know me pretty well. My wet shoes squeaked on the tiles from the snow we had gotten the night before and had stayed, and the lights were almost too bright, and everything was either white or a shiny metal. It was almost sickening, but I was used to it by now. A whole week of seeing it, and it wasn’t so bad anymore. I also didn’t really notice the sickening overly sanitized smell anymore either. That’s usually the first thing people notice when they go into a hospital or clinic. They have to work so hard and use so many chemicals to keep it sanitized that I don’t think anything would make it go away. 

Finally, I got to her hospital room, and I stepped through the open door. But, not before looking at her name on the nameplate outside the door like I did every time I came after school. But today is Friday. One week from the accident. It was something to think about, it really was. Only seven days ago, she was driving to a date I had asked her out on, and she rolled and crashed her car. It felt like it just happened yesterday, not seven days ago. I still feel like I’m sitting in the restaurant, waiting for her to walk through the doors in a dress and a smile on her face. 

I took a deep breath and walked over to the edge of her bed. She was laying there, her blonde hair spread out around her head on the pillow under neither her, and her eyes closed, and the thin scratchy hospital blanket pulled up to her chin. There was a slight smile on her face, and I began wondering what she was dreaming. Was she dreaming her memories? Was that even possible with an amnesia patient? 

I put one hand on the edge of the bed, and just looked down at her. She looked so small and fragile laying in a hospital bed. She still had a few bruises and cuts on her face from the accident. I don’t know about any other places because I haven’t seen any of those, but nothing was broken at least. Just cuts, bruises, and a few bruised ribs, a sprained wrist and ankle, and a sore spot where the seat belt dug into her. At least, that’s what the doctor told me, but I don’t think he’d lie. 

I sat in the visitor’s chair, and just watched her for a bit. With a person in the hospital, that’s what you’ll end up doing sixty five percent of the time if you’re a visitor. Just sit and watch. It’s all you really can do if they’re asleep. The nurses and doctors seem to frown upon waking them up for anything. 

Just as I was about to stand up to go to the cafeteria, the door opened and in walked her brother. “Dylan! This isn’t a surprise at all. Good to see you again.”

“Same, same. I was just about to get something to eat. But, how’s it going? You getting along with your parents okay?” I said, standing up now, and putting my hands in my pockets. Though, I felt something in the right one. Then, I remembered. I came here kind of just to give Amanda the locket I got her. But I forgot the main purpose of my visit while I was driving over here. 

“Yeah. We’re getting along perfectly fine now. I think they see me as an okay adult now.” He took a seat by Amanda’s feet like usual and just smiled over at me. 

“That’s good. Um, if you want, you can come with me to eat. I’m just going to use the bathroom.” I lied, gesturing towards the bathroom that was in Amanda’s room. 

“Oh, sure. I guess I am kind of hungry. I haven’t had dinner yet. I’ll just wait down there for you.” he said, walking out of the room. 

I quickly slipped the locket from my pocket and held it in my hands and looked down at it. Jewelry meant nothing to me, but to girls it was everything. I know I’ve seen Amanda wear lots of necklaces, which is why I decided to get her the locket. I opened it once more, and saw the picture of us. Of course, she had no clue I took the picture, but that doesn’t matter. She still looked beautiful in it nonetheless. 

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