Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Dylan’s P.O.V

I jumped up from my chair, outraged. “What the hell?! You seriously think that after me sitting through more than a month of these stupid tutor things…that you can suddenly just take them away? I’m just now beginning to be friends with Amanda, and you take her from my history class too?!”

“Calm down, Mister Newman. This is for both of your benefits. We noticed a small decline in Amanda’s work, and we pinned you as the source of her trouble. She has been too focused on you to do a complete good job on her work. So, we are just restraining the tutor sessions. But, that doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends.” my history teacher said.

I sat back down, and grumbled swear words to myself. I looked over at Amanda. She looked too shocked to speak, or even register anything that was happening around her.

“Today will also be your last day in my class.” my history teach said to her, grinning.

“O-okay.” she whispered, getting up from the table and simply walking away.

I gaped at her. Damn her politeness towards the staff! I had noticed before, but now it was really bad. She should have screamed in this guy’s face. Today she was just getting pissed that I missed out on twenty minutes of study time. Could she really just let our sessions go that easily? Or was it really bugging her inside? I never really knew what she was feeling, because she never really showed her emotions.

I glared at the principal and my teacher and stomped after her. Would she even pay attention to me after this? I mean, I had basically just told the principal that I wasn’t going to hang out with her. Was that what was bothering her? I mean, I really did like her…possibly even more than I should. No, I knew I liked her more than I should. I just sighed. Well, it will be up to her if she wants to hang out with me after this. I’m not going to force her. I’m sure she just wanted to get this tutoring thing over with. Wasn’t she just screaming at me about that this morning?

I walked to the cafeteria, but stopped when the bell rang. I saw Amanda talking to her friend, Bekah within the crowd. She was smiling, and so was her friend. Maybe she was glad to be rid of me?

I went to my locker, and got my history book for my next class. Though, I almost dropped it when I was being slapped on the back…hard. “Hey! Dude, you didn’t come back. Did you seriously take that long to…hey, what’s up?” Henry asked. Worry was now etched into his features.

“Nothing. Just heading to class.” I told him, holding up my book for him to see. I made my voice have more emotion than it would have contained if I didn’t try.

He nodded before continuing to talk as we walked to class. “Well, anyway. I wanted to tell you something, but never got the chance. But anyway, what’s up with Amanda? She seems kind of…different. You know, you’ve been fighting an awful lot.”

I shrugged, thinking, very good question. “I have no idea. All she told me was that it was family stuff. I didn’t push her, since I know what her family life is like. But, my guess is that it’s something deeper…” I trailed off, wondering if I would ever get the chance to have her tell me. That was a good question too. Would I ever really be able to talk to her again?

“You guys coming to the game tonight? Last of the season!” Ethan called, running up to us as we were walking through the door to history.

“I know I am.” I told him, looking at Henry, he nodded, agreeing with me.

I sat down in my seat, and couldn’t help but look at Amanda, who was sitting across the room. The last bell rang, and the teacher closed the door to the class room before walking to the front, a smile still on his face. Amanda looked sad. I frowned.

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