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Dear ACOTAR fans and readers, 

I know Tamlin doesn't have a lot of fans right now. 

I'm not really sure what urged me to take on the gargantuan task of writing a redemption arc for him as we wait for the next book in the series, but here we are. 

All our favorite characters from the Inner Circle will make an appearance, but some of them will be more present than others (like our favorite Shadowsinger). 

I've seen conflicting opinions about many of the characters, and while I do love it that we can have discussions about the book, I would like to remind everyone that my stories are a safe space. If you would like to express your opinion, please do so without insulting other people. 

Let's all just share in the joys of exploring Prythian and these characters together. 💙

To get story updates, join some polls, send some questions, share some fanart or just talk about all things ACOTAR, connect with me on Instagram! 

👉 username:@love_licaernshw

With that said, I hope you enjoy the story! 


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