Part 4

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(I'm like CoryxKenshin l leave for a few months but I always come back 😎)

Your eyes slowly open as your vision un-blurs to reveal your surroundings, your still sleeping in between Zamasa and Goka..

You look to your left at the saiyan sleeping, hugging and drooling on your arm, then to your right, your greeted by a pair of green boobs

Y/N: this is my life now..

Meanwhile, in the present timeline

Future Trunks: Hey Dad..

Vegeta: What?

Future Trunks: I feel like im forgetting something.. I can't remember what..

Vegeta: well, if you can't remember then it's probably not important.

Future Trunks:.. hmm.. guess your right..
shrugs it off

Meanwhile, in the future

Zamasa: Good morning, Mortal!

Goka Black: Haii.. :3

Y/N: U-uh.. h-hey..

Zamasa: Get up, we have a lot of mortal killing and fun having today!

Goka Black: are you huuuungry?

Y/N: Y..Yes.. You say reluctantl

Goka springs up out of bed and grabs your arm, she drags you out of bed and towards the kitchen*

Goka: Good! Because I have a lot of recipes I want to try! And Zamasa wants to be a STINGY BITCH and not try any of them!!

Zamasa: Your cooking sucks!

Goka Black: You suck!

Zamasa: I know! And you would know too! She winks so loudly you can hear it from the other room

Goka Black: Fuck you!

Zamasu: you wish!~

Goka Black: Ignore her, We got a little touchy one time and she won't let me live it down... anyways!

Goka plops you on a chair and starts to cook from a recipe book from the house of a family she probably brutally murdered

Goka Black: alright.. let's see.. chicken soup! Should be easy, if I can make noodles I can make soup!

She digs through the cabinets for ingredients she also probably got by brutally murdering people

Goka Black: I don't have any chicken broth.. uh.. I'll just use.. what ever this is.. She squeezes
Toothpaste from  a tub of tooth paste into the pot, you wanna barf already and you haven't even tried it yet..

Zamasas POV:

Zamasa: why am I green? Pokes my exposed tit showing through my shirt like.. it's that normal? Then again.. nothing is normal.. this is a wattpad genderbent villains x reader fan fiction so.. shrugs

Sniff sniff

What is that.. atrocious smell?! Is she cooking again?! Oh my me! Why in my
name is she cooking again?! I get up and walk towards the kitchen


Zamasa: Girl! What the hell are you cooking?!

Goka: Uh.. Soup?

Zamasu: Soup? Soup isn't supposed to smell like uncleaned ass!

Goka: it does not smell like uncleaned ass! That's probably your fingers after fingering yourself everynight!

Zamasa: While you watch!!

Y/N: oh damn, it's getting spicy..

Goka: I have no choice but to watch! I can't escape your stupid loud moans!

Zamasa: and you LIKE IT!

The two of them stare daggers into each other's eyes, they get face to face, Goka having to tippy toe

Zamasa: Gurr!!

Goka: Hmph!!

Zamasa: Not infront of Y/N!

Y/N watches the two lesbians argue

Trunks POV

I play Fortnite on my Xbox, still trying to remember what I forgot

Trunks: my phone? No.. my sword?.. no.. my virginity? Ha.. nope.. not yet... Mai still won't let me hit..


What ever, time to get this dub.

Future, Y/N Pov:

Goka serves you a bowl of "Soup"

Goka: here you are dear, tell me how it is! You better like it.

I gulp and look into the bowl, at the toothpaste, the finger, the S key from a keyboard, the strands of hair I-I'm not actually hungry anymo-

Goka: EAT IT!!!

Y/N: Yes ma'am! Sluuuurp.

Goka: Do you like it? :D

I keep the "soup" in my mouth, it is the worst thing I've ever tasted in my live, I rather clean a public restroom with my tongue and rub it in my eye then eat this, it taste like potty water with a hint of high school locker room

Y/N: I-it's great! Very good! Mmh!

Goka: Swallow it then.

Y/N: do I ha-


I swallow the concoction she has the audacity call "Soup"

Y/N: It's so good I'm already full! Thank you!

Goka squeals and hugs you

Goka: thank you so much! Cheek kiss

Y/N: I'm just gonna.. go use the bathroom.. You B-Line towards the bathroom and barf into the toilet

a few hours later, Goka Black, Zamasa, and of course you, fly over destroyed west city (your piggyback ridding on Zamasa back because she doesn't you escaping)

Zamasa: how about we go watch the sun set, that sounds nice, right?

Goka Black: Yeah, there we can cuddle and stuff!

They take you to a mountain somewhere on the outskirts of the city, Zamasu sits you on the ground, and sits behind you and brings you into her chest, Goka black lays in between your legs

Zamasa: Ahh, this is so nice! Nothing can ruin this moment right n-

Goka: snooooorrreee... snoooorreee..

Trunks POV

Trunks sings to himself while getting some homework done

Trunks: Coola! Coola! Frieza no brother!




I FORGOT Y/N!!!!! FUCK! I grab the keys to the time machine and rush out my room


Female Zamasu And Female Goku Black x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now