J loses a bet.

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"Fuck!" J had lost a bet, N is now in control of her life for an entire week

"Haha J!" N sticks his tongue out to mock her

"Yeah, yeah shut up." J was understandably annoyed

"Now J... I have control over you! For the first thing. Hmmmm... Stay here I'll be right back!" N leaves the pod and wanders somewhere to find an outfit to embarrass her

N returns with a fucking maid outfit

"No no no! He better not make me wear that!" J said in her mind

N opens his mouth and these exact words leave his mouth
"You have to put this outfit on and wear it for the entire week!"
"You little piece of sh-" Before J could speak N cut her off
"Now J! Put it on!"
"I should have never agreed to the bet!" J said in her mind
J tells the others to leave the pod so that she could change into the maid outfit
J can hear both V and N laughing at her outside
J just wanted it to be over with so that after this week she could use N as a punching bag
J knew that N was going to have a lot of fun making her so stupid things and things she hates
"Alright you pieces of shit you can come back in. N I'm going to kill you after this week!"
N and V climbed back in and V began laughing hysterically at J in the maid outfit J was 100% gonna kill N after this week but for now she had to just deal with it
"You look cute in that outfit J!" V said snickering at J's appearance
"Whatever." J mumbled under her breath
"J now you have to!... Hmmm... I ran out of ideas... I thought I would have more but I'll find out later!"

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