The Humbling River

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On the canteen, Doctor Whooves felt in sorrow "I cannot save her" Doctor Whooves said "What?" Rodimus replies "River Song is gone, ten years ago. The War Doctor came to look from her but it went missing" Eleventh Doctor ask "Who's River Song? A Kirin?" Wheeljack ask "No, she was just an earth pony. River Song was gone because of that evil thing who captured" Doctor Whooves said "Who?" Bumblebee "Queen Trottingham, from Equestria during the Bookworm havoc. Me and I was there on Equestria, before Nightmare Rarity arrives" Eleventh Doctor said "Why did he left River Song?" Bumblebee ask "He couldn't save her" Eleventh replied "I'm sorry, I never met him until that day" Doctor Whooves said "But she is your friend, right?" Wheeljack said "Over time the four Doctors discovered Equestria. The Fourth Doctor got malfuctioned the TARDIS entering the mirror dimension. But he knows about the Multiverse" First Doctor said "Yes, I was there. It was a shattered world, but we found an havoc from Equestria to other dimensions" Fourth Doctor replied "You saw the havoc?" Bumblebee said to Fourth Doctor "Yes, it was. Too dangerous. But I saw every visitors from another worlds. But... I was trapped in this shattered world" "The Tenth and I saw Nightmare Rarity. Also the First Doctor came. But now War Doctor arrived to find River Song. But we need your help to bring her back" Eleventh said, and Rodimus keeps thinking for a moment "Um... one moment" he said, Wheeljack and Bumblebee were whispering secretly in their heads "So, what do we do?" Wheeljack asked. Bumblebee looked at Rodimus and then to the Doctor "We have to help them to save his friend, if Scourge finds out, we will find Trottingham" said Bumblebee, with his eyes full of determination. "Oh by the way, gummies?" The Fourth Doctor give gummy bears to them "I'll take one!" Pinkie picks one of the gummy bears "This is so delicious!" she said "Wheeljack, we need that copy version of this Doctors' device to track, extract, and scanning those Multiversal Victims to catch right?" Rodimus said to Wheeljack and Twilight Sparkle "Okay, I can make that inventions were based on DNA" Wheeljack said to Sci-Twi "Yeah?" "Then, we'll make Multiverse Operating Return Tracker "M.O.R.T" for short!" Rodimus made his new ideas from Wheeljack "How about M.E.R.C, the Multiverse Extractor Reaction Core?" and Sci-Twi ask to the Doctors "What about, M.O.S.S? The Multiverse Operating Sonic Screwdriver!? This will be the same as the doctors!" Sci Twi said to the four Doctors "Well, we have our Sonic Screwdrives to scan our life-forms" Eleventh doctor said "And we have out mission to save River Song, looks like were figure it out that she's out there in Equestria!" Wheeljack said to them "So what do you say? Are you going to save her?" Rodimus use his hand to the Tenth Doctor to join and he's happy to join "Well then... ALLONS-SY!!" He said with his catchphrases! "Gallifrey Stands!" Ironhide and Punch shouts to his catchphrase to the War Doctor "I miss my old grandpa" Punch said "Good, I'll send a backup for you, Quickshadow, do you read?" Wheeljack said to Quickshadow herself "Yes, Wheeljack?" She said "I need your assistance!" Then, Quickshadow arrives for the help of the four doctors, she was good for speaking british accent and she's joining the Autobot and Equestria Girls "Alright then, who's ready to save River Song?" she said and now the new arrival begins. At the Nemesis, Scourge with his right robot arm seeing the reflection of the Matrix of Time shining through him "Ah, it is beautiful. No wonder this place will ever be the same again" then the alarm sounded and he saw a trouble, he tracking the ship and they found the reinforcements "Autobots, and those... Doctors, well. I think it's time for the bait, River Song. They're won't save you" he said from the purple jailing cell of River Song who was in prisoned for ten years "Queen Trottingham, now it's time for your return" Scourge said to her and she is finally back from the tyrant after she went poofed out of Bookworm. The Four Doctors and Quickshadow with Autobots and Equestria Girls arrived at the Decepticon defense station "Looks like they're having a base" Eleventh Doctor said "Okay, looks like River Song is just up ahead. Wheeljack, how's the Multiversal Devices?" Rodimus said to Wheeljack "Still operational, Rodimus, your Sonic Screwdrivers are cooler, but I copied it with my own version. But I made prototype Energonicon stuff" he said "What's an Energonicon?" Punch asked to Sci Twi "Ugh, they're floating drones to use for defenses. Good thinking that I own Lazerblast, Rarity got her own Shieldor" Sci Twi said to Wheeljack "I hard to admit they're my Mark 1 Energonicons, Quickshadow, you have your Electroblast to shock the Vehicons, copy?" Wheeljack said "Copy!" she said, and then they saw a cargo truck arriving from that station "What's in there?" Rodimus said to Sci-Twi "Wheeljack, am I getting something?" "Could that be, It must be the prisoner where Queen Trottingham is" he said "It's her, wait, I think it's a bait!" Tenth Doctor use the Sonic Screwdriver to pointing the laser from the truck "Doc, no!" Rodimus gasps and the cargo truck opens the prisoner cell! "Huh!? Who's open the doors?!" The Vehicons spotted the Autobots "Welp, were doomed" the Fourth Doctor is not impressed for visitors "Then I'm going to get her!" Rodimus transforms into recalibrated Power Badge mode to hunt the Vehicons "Rodimus, wait!" Sci Twi transforms into friendship power to join Rodimus "Attack!" Vehicons firing the blasters to shoot Rodimus. He activates the Flame Sabers to dodge the laser shooting and shielding the team "Everyone! Get River Song and get out of here!" Rodimus shouts "No! Doc said that is a bait! I'm going to take auto-defense mode, Rarity!?" Wheeljack said to Rarity "Yes, darling?" "Activate Shieldor!" Wheeljack shouts and the Energonicon Shieldor is blasting Rodimus forming a ball of shield protection. "Wow, I thought you did it, Rares!" Tenth Doctor said. "Then let's get the second wave! Lazerblast!" Sci Twi use the command code for Lazerblast to shoot the Vehicons over a multiple times, the drone stops firing and Rodimus finally free without the shots. Rodimus slashes the truck gate and opens seeing River Song until she's gone! "No!" Rodimus gasps and the Doctors running away "Well. that's a problem!" Eleventh Doctor said but until Scourge is speaking with his speaker "You've already set a trap, Autobots. River Song is mine" He turn on the screen to watch the Autobots and the Doctors "Scourge, the name that you stole the Matrix of Time. But we got the four Doctors to save her!" Rodimus use the sword to ponting at you "Ah, he remembers. But this is a matter of time" Scourge said "Where's River Song? Where is she!?" the Tenth Doctor replied while he's angry "Oh, the triumphant return" the voice speaks and the Autobots gasps "No... Is that?" Sci Twi gasps "It's her!" Rodimus shocks and Queen Trottingham returns after she was stucked inside the book "Hello, old chum. Now I need your jewels" She asks to beg for offer "What jewels?" Sci Twi said and Rodimus gasps that he saw the Elemental Geode "The Magical Geodes?! No! Stay back!" Wheeljack is defending Sci Twi and Trottingham is going to take a second bait "Delighted to you? And I brought her!" Queen Trottingham is opening the cell and the Four Doctors gasps seeing River Song is trapped in the cell "River Song!" Tenth and Eleventh Doctor gasps to see her "Now, give me the Geodes. Or bow to me" Trottingham said to them but the Autobots needs a second diversion but Rodimus smirks to her "Sorry... but we bow to no one!" he shouts and Quickshadow rolls out fast for the second arrival "Quickshadow!" Tenth Doctor is excited as she transforms into robot mode, She uses her blaster to shoots the Vehicons and the jail cell of River Song to break free "Doctor!" River Song is happy to the four Doctors "That now is the time to depart, Trottingham. Go and Tell Scourge! I've been look forward to our second punishment" Wheeljack said to her "Quickshadow, get us out of here!" Rodimus shouts to her as transforms back to vehicle mode, the Autobots, Equestria Girls and Doctors including her inside the car to quick escape "No, no, no, no!" Queen Trottingham screams for her defeat. They are celebrating victory to Doctor Whooves "We did it guys, you save her!" he said "So, we can save her" Rodimus said to Doctor Whooves "Now, it's time to take the four TARDIS back home!" the Eleventh Doctor said. and Quickshadow rolls out back in Canterlot. at the TARDIS, Rodimus and Wheeljack give thanks to the Doctors for farewell "Thank you guys, for saving her" Doctor Whooves said "Yeah, War Doctor is a old grandaddy of mine to save, But Queen Trotting is gone, No more!" Punch said with his line of himself "No more? I love this bearded old guy, I think it's time for depart. Come on, let's get you home" the Eleventh Doctor said to River Song "Well, spoilers" She said, "We have spoilers in our vehicle modes, but we are humans who disguised as robots into vehicles" Sideswipe said to River Song "And Wheeljack, your MORT, MERC and MOSS is an incredible invention. But you can visit the TARDIS soon" Doctor Whooves said "Too soon?" Wheeljack questioned "No, I think It's wonderful. Now go and capture those Multiversal Victims, save Equestria from Scourge. So that no havoc can rift the balance" Doctor Whooves pats Wheeljack from his shouler and he smiles to him "Well. It's time to go, Allons-sy everyone!" Doctor Whooves said to them "Allons-sy, Doc!" Rodimus said to the Four Doctors and Rivers Song. So everyone closes the four TARDIS and then is fades with a machine humming that it went into time travelling "Hey. Looks like we've invented those three devices!" Wheeljack finally invented the new Multiversal trackers, the MORT, MERC and MOSS! And now the Autobots and Equestria Girls were ready to take on a new mission "Well, those machines will track those victims. Watch out, Scourge, were going to get you" Rodimus said and he's ready to fight for the destiny. At the Nemesis' bridge, Queen Trottingham bows to Scourge for his failure "I failed, Scourge, those Doctors saved her. But those Autobots is going to capture more victims, but please accept my punishment" She said, but Scourge is not impressed "Since that bookworm released all of there many, many, many lives for destroying this world?" he said, and Freezer grabs Trottingham from her hands for execution punishment "Wait, wait, what are you doing?" Trottingham scares to Scourge "Sorry, now it's time... for your punishment" Scourge holds the Matrix of Time to blast Trottingham away to her home dimension. He closes the Matrix and his throne rolls at the red glowing window with a Terrorcon symbol "I think Equestria is the most wonderful time of the year" He smirks for having a good revenge.

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