6. Changes

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Significant changes had occurred in his small house because the furniture had arrived, and someone had already set it up: two beds and two smaller wardrobes. A table with four chairs was placed in the middle. Tim was relatively silent during lunch; he didn't like that more and more strangers were arriving in the small village. But he also saw the worried looks of the locals, who were concerned that this might become permanent. Even Sara had more work now; she no longer served the food herself; a young girl was going around the tables instead.

Too many changes had occurred in just a few days. Tim had to get used to not being alone in his house anymore, which reminded him of the old days. When his two housemates arrived in the evening, he didn't know whether to be happy. He was partially pleased because they brought dinner and offered some to him. But beyond that, they wanted to talk, and Tim was too absorbed in his thoughts about Mara. He was too worried about the girl.

After finishing his mandatory tasks, he went outside into the yard to hear his thoughts. He stood in front of the scarecrow's junk again and only managed to lift some dusty pieces of clothing. Pluto also came out. He heard a deep, rumbling voice behind him: "What are you planning to do with these?" the inspector asked curiously.

"I wanted to make a scarecrow because I planted corn behind the house," he gestured in that direction with his hand. "And if they sprout, I must scare the birds away. But I might be too late because the crows have gotten used to it; you can hear them cawing even now."

"If you want, I'll help. I don't have anything better to do."

Tim was surprised at how helpful he was, but he had to admit that the work went much easier this way, and the inspector boy had some perfect ideas and insights. By dusk, they had finished the crooked little scarecrow and were satisfied with their excellent job.

The next day, the gatekeeper was also greeted by changes at the teleport station. A pole had been dug into the ground in the middle of the hill, and a camera was mounted. Tim eyed the device suspiciously and looking around, he saw that it was the only one he could see. His two housemates didn't stand to the side but followed Tim and sat behind him. They watched his every move, or at least that was the feeling he got. Pluto noticed his discomfort and leaned closer to reassure him: "Relax, Tim, we're not monitoring you. The fuss is just because of the camera, to show that we're doing everything here!"

Tim felt somewhat reassured because he had almost thought someone would come and accompany him. Fewer travelers arrived, but those who did were much more thoroughly checked. His housemates also examined the papers and asked questions and other inspectors randomly checked travelers in the line.

This was all too much; he had yet to experience such strict checks in the city. Besides, he didn't understand why there was such a fuss about questioning travelers who weren't going to Heiné.

His previously routine job now felt like he was balancing on a tightrope, afraid of swaying to the right or left.

He didn't see Judith anywhere; he saw only the uniformed inspectors pulling people out of the line and leading them away.

Later, they walked together with the other inspectors towards the inn. For the first time, Tim realized just how angry the locals were. Their usual quiet life had been disrupted. Not only did Tim feel the change, but the locals also disliked the constant bustle, the comings and goings, and the many uniformed soldiers. This was clearly shown by the woman who, upon seeing them approaching, grabbed her child playing outside and ran into the house. Tim also saw people loudly slamming their doors shut elsewhere when they saw them coming. Tim couldn't understand why they expressed their anger this way.

At the inn, he faced another surprise. After lunch, everyone suddenly stood up, and champagne glasses appeared from somewhere. Holding one in her hand, Judith stepped forward and handed it to him: "Tim, I would like to convey the management's gratitude for how you perform your work and protect the teleport station from unauthorized crossings. We've chosen you as the employee of the month. Allow me to congratulate you!" She raised her glass high while the others received their champagne.

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