11. Guldar

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On the wall of Guldar's room hung a quote from Charles Dickens in a beautifully carved picture frame, and the letters of the text curved playfully, winding through the slightly faded paper: "There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor."

This quote served as his life philosophy; he believed that spreading joy was the purpose of life. Guarding the gate was boring—good heavens, how boring! He hated being alone, so it's no wonder that their mission to the Forbidden Place excited him so much.

As they sought refuge in the oasis, escaping the storm's wrath, Guldar consciously focused on the positive. The storm had left Judith overwhelmed, her orders barely coherent. The oasis, a sanctuary amidst the chaos, starkly contrasted with the tempest they had just fled.

Should they stay until the storm subsides? But when will that be? Set up their tents? Ultimately, they settled for that, unpacked by the lake's edge, and everyone tried to rest.

Guldar, feeling restless, couldn't bear the solitude for long. He ventured out and settled under a tree, determined to light a fire despite the fierce wind. Constructing a small protective structure from stones to shield the fire from the wind struck him. As he busied himself with this task, he noticed the mischievous Emorah, a little girl with a witch-like charm, approaching. She carried a folder, drawing tools, and a sense of adventure.

"Hey, Emorah, I see you've brought your drawing tools too! Isn't that a lot to carry? You must be really excited about this journey!" Guldar remarked a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I already told you, Guldar, that I can handle the sack! I'm strong, you know?"

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you! If you feel you have energy for drawing, too, it's up to you!"

"If I can't handle it, I'll let you know, Guldar. I want to draw everything; how many times does one get to cross the forbidden place in their life?" Emorah examined the landscape with a stern look.

"I'm here for the second time. And believe me, I couldn't care less. There's nothing great about it. It's just a duty..."

"The Forbidden Place is interesting to me. Full of danger, mystique, unknown forces. I can't wait to go further, and it's essential to have evidence.

"Oh, don't worry, Emorah. There will be plenty of unknown forces. But the landscape you're about to draw is like home, a bit more run-down and dilapidated, as you can see."

Emorah raised her eyebrows: "I thought you would be excited too, looking forward to the adventure..."

"Don't worry, dear Emorah, as far as I'm concerned, there's a sense of adventure... I'll tell you something now... I couldn't sleep at night."

"Me neither. Is it because of the excitement or perhaps for another reason?"

"Something else. My rheumatism tormented me all night. I can feel in my bones that bad weather is coming..."

They both laughed. Emorah opened her folder; she wanted to draw, but the wind made it difficult. She tried to sketch the landscape, but now she began to observe Guldar.

"Can I draw you? Could you sit still for a bit? Just like this!"

She adjusted his head and positioned him to see the lake in the background.

"Emorah, bringing your drawing supplies would be a good idea.

"Maybe I'll let you carry it... But remember, don't move! You can talk, but keep your head in this position!"

"If I knew what awaited me here, I would have trimmed my beard better. And maybe put a little powder on my nose..."

"Guldar, don't move so much. This drawing will be the first in the Forbidden Place series; I want it to be perfect..."

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