I'm back unholy kids!!!! part....IDK maybe 3

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???: You're in my seat, freak
*I frowned and looked at the person who wishes to die. Of course it's him why am I even surprised?*
YN: actually this was my seat all semester
LEE KNOW: I wasn't talking to you bitch. I am saying that to Chaeryoung
CHAERYOUNG: Oh... Iam sorry lee know baby*instantly gets up*
LEE KNOW: *sits* Say that again if you want to die *strict tone*
SEUNGMIN: Aww poor ninnyhammer has to deal with her fake 'girlfriend'
LEE KNOW: Ninnyhammer? What type of insult is that ? *Laughs*
YN: Ninnyhammer, seems like never heard of it before? *He didn't reply* well ninnyhammer was used back in 1580s to describe a person as fool or brainless. Big insult back then. You're far more worse than that I can use worse words on yo-
LEE KNOW: YAHH *He grabbed me by my collar.*
SEUNGMIN: YAHH HOW DO YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER- *yn signaled him to stop and he moved backwards. Face inches away as he looked directly in my eyes*
LEE KNOW :YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT ME and btw.. your grades have been slipping lately.
YN: well I was busy... what's your excuse?
LEE KNOW: Looking at your donkey like face everyday ruins my mood, that's why I wasn't able to focus on my studies. That's my excuse
YN: Can you release me now?
LEE KNOW: You're nothing to but a bunch of weed with some flowers dancing around you. You're nothing but a piece of shit, I hate you
YN: I didn't ask + I don't care and for your information I hate you more.
*You forced his hands with your hand to release you. He glared at you and clenched his fists. Me and Seungmin went back to our seats. Oh forgot to tell yall Seungmin and yn are desk mates. Besides being so many other students in the class, every girl begged the teacher to make her sit beside Mr.Meanho. The teacher was so overwhelmed that he decided to not to have a deskmate for Lee know. Lee know wasn't complaining tho. Then teacher came in and started teaching*
TEACHER: Alright....Class today we're gonna do something different I know I'm not in the teaching protocol but I've noticed my students have a average score of 52% on most of my tests. So I'm going to pass the protocol to do this. You know it's very much needed in the class so yeah bare it with me here. Okay now I will call some of the students names and they will stand, okay? Good.*few moments later* and lastly eunchae, yn and Chaeryoung. These students have got the highest in your class with 80% or higher. So I'm gonna pair y'all with someone and he/she will be your partner for next few weeks.
*Oh no, we're doing an assignment? The teacher began to pair up students with one another and whenever he did that the standing student had to sit right beside their partner*
TEACHER: And then Jay and yuna, sunghoon and heesung, Chaeryoung and Seungmin and finally yn and lee know.
SEUNGMIN AND YN AT THE SAME TIME : WHAT THE HELL? *and again said that quite lOuD*
TEACHER: Excuse me Mr.Kim Seungmin and Miss.Choi Yn, did I heard something from you two?
SEUNGMIN: umm no I'm sorry *whispers to yn* I swear I'm gonna die sitting just beside that bish.
YN: *whispers back* Looks like we're gonna have our funeral together. But btw sir why have you paired ME with LEE KNOW?
TEACHER:What are you trying to say Miss choi?
YN: I mean why I have to sit with LEE KNOW?
TEACHER: Look yn, There is nothing i can do because these settings weren't decided by me and I was only told to pair the children that have the highest mark in the class to tutor the one which have the lowest. So no buts and if. If y'all have any complain regarding that you are free to talk to the principal.
LEE KNOW: but sir that's not fair, i  hate her
TEACHER:Listen Mr.Lee the highest you got in my class was 45% so maybe if you had studied you didn't had to sit with your enemy.
YN:So I have to suffer just because he's stupid?
TEACHER:Name calling is never okay in my class,Ms.Choi.
YN: sorry
TEACHER: now you can sit with Mr. Lee so we can began our lessons. Y'all can study afterwards.
*I was dealing with it so badly. I angrily grabbed my bag and plopped it next to him and then sat on my NEW SEAT. He glared at me, looked away and huffed.He didn't even bother to look at me during the whole class neither did I. At first he used to actually BULLY ME. Like calling names, throwing things, making fun of me, tripping me in hallways and whatnot. I got so tired that I started fighting back, for how long Seungmin will always protect me? I need to learn to defend myself.I was becoming expert in hiding my bruises I got from home, fake smiling everyday even tho Seungmin knew what's going in my house. But he can't help me with it,all he can do was keep me happy and safe in school. I can't focus on the class because of the strong cologne of his.It was too strong for my nose. It burns. He has been wearing this since 8th grade.*
TEACHER:Okay....yn what is the formula to find x? Do you know?
YN: yes sir, by adding the negative number that appears on the same side of the equation. It's preety obvious sir.
TEACHER: Excellent.okay yeji now answer this-
*He began to ask questions from other students*
YN: Hey look i don't like you but I HAVE to so let's TRY to get along just while I'm tutoring you.
LEE KNOW: I don't need tutoring. Especially by you. *Cold*
YN: don't you want to pass school and get admission in a college? Do you want to stay like a uneducated person forever?
LEE KNOW: none of your concern. Worry about yourself *cold*
YN: well, it will make me look bad if you STILL got low marks even after 2 hours long tutoring sessions. So just bare it for now.
*He rolled his eyes and began doodling on his paper*

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