Delulu is the solulu (pt. 9)

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*I need to go I can't take it anymore. Everyone will be better without me. My vision was blurry. I used my bed as an ladder and climbed up it. Once I was finally on my feet, I grabbed extra sheets from the closet and tied them together like a rope. All while being partially blind. Once it was long enough, I opened my window and tossed half of it outside the window. My forehead was bloody. Blood rolled down my face and got into my eyes. I can't climb down with blood in my vision, do I went into my bathroom and washed my eyes. Soon after I climbed down. It was night time and it was stormy. Screw it. I don't need a jacket. I'm going anyways. I don't need a jacket where I am going. Once I climbed down, I was instantly drenched from head to toe. It was cold, but I didn't care. I hopped down and stumbled across the yard towards the road. It wasn't busy in my neighborhood so I had to switch into another one. I walked and walked in the rain, trying not to fall from my exhausted self. It was super busy tonight. Everyone has umbrellas and looked at me with concern and confusion. Haha Not gonna lie, I looked like a zombie, stumbling down in rain, with no umbrella, covered in bruises, cuts and blood........ The rain only washed a bit away. A woman with a umbrella approached me*
WOMAN: Are you alright hun? What happened?
YN: I'm fine
WOMAN: You don't look fine. Do you want me to call someone for you?
YN: No.... Please go away..... I don't want anyone...... EVERYONE IS FAKE!
*I pushed her lightly at side and continued walking. She didn't stopped me and I could still feel her confused gaze at me. She wouldn't be confused soon enough. They all will see.......... Everyone will see how serious I am. But now, I don't want anything...... I just want to sleep... Sleep and never wake up. I waited till the light turned green and I slowly made my way across the street. I standed midway and closed my eyes, holding my arms out and accepting my newfound fate. That was until I heard a loud honk and felt a shove*


*I was riding on a taxi and on my way back home. I checked my phone to see if Yn texted me....... Nothing, not even a thumbs up? I hope she's okay*
LEE KNOW: You can stop here. Thank you.
*The taxi pulled over for me. I got out with my umbrella. I spotted a nice restaurant and thought that I would have some tasty meal before going home. I paid the driver and continued to walk. I walked down the street a little bit. I was heading towards the crosswalk.. but, a noticed a red liquid mixing with the puddles. I frowned and followed it with my eyes. It was a long trail of redness. Is that...... Blood?
I hope not. I walked and spotted a woman who was standing in the middle of road while the light was green. Is she crazy? What was she thinking? I started picking up my pace to stop her when the wind moved the hair out of her face. It wasn't just a girl*
*I dropped my umbrella to make it easier for me to run, while drenching my clothes in rain. I ran into the road, jumping, dragging her down with me at the other side of the road. I held back of her head so it won't bang onto the hard concrete. Once we safely landed, I propped myself up looking down at her. She looked at me with a blank expression*
LEE KNOW: Are you okay?
*I looked everywhere on her and noticed how many injuries she had, I don't think they were caused because of the fall. The thought made my stomach turn in an unpleasant way*
YN: I know *weak voice*
*I stopped when I noticed her eyes were becoming tearly and my heart skipped a beat when she began to cry while hugging me all of the sudden*
YN: I'm sorry..... I'm just s-so tried of m-my life. I c-can nev-er b-be enough for them. No-one c-can lov-ve me. It's just so hard.
*I sighed. When she cried, it felt like an eternity. Every bit broke my heart. It made me despise her parents more and more for how they treated her, and it made me feel like shit. This whole time I bullied her not knowing she was already being bullied at home........she never caught a break, not once*
LEE KNOW: I'm sorry
YN: *Looked up* For what?
*I felt tears threatening to fall*
LEE KNOW: For not knowing sooner
YN: That's not your fault. I chose you not to know. I didn't want anyone to know because I don't trust easily. And I'm sorry for getting you all soaked. That wasn't my intention.
*I tried my best to smile, but it was impossible*
LEE KNOW: Hey.... on the bright side I don't need to have shower tomorrow!! Yay!!
YN: *chuckles* You're disgusting. You need soap without soap it doesn't count.
*She sniffed and grinned. I helped her to sit up and wiped her tears. Her smile instantly faded away when she saw my body. I felt my face heating up from her gaze. It made my heart pound*
YN: You're injured, did the fall did that?
LEE KNOW: Wait, what? I'm injured?
*I looked at my body*
LEE KNOW: Umm, yeah...... The fall probably did that.
*I had bloody knuckles from when I held her head while falling so that she doesn't hurt herself. I didn't felt the stinging pain till now*
YN: You're gonna catch a cold like this! Not to mention, but your wounds could easily get infected.
LEE KNOW: Oh yeah? How do you know?
YN: Well I'm studying to become a doctor, remember? Also it doesn't take a genius to figure out. It's common sense Minho.
LEE KNOW: Ohh.....
YN: Okay now c'mon
*She tried to stand up, but almost fell. I quickly stood up to help her balance*
YN: I'm sorry..... I banged my head pretty hard... It's hard to walk.
LEE KNOW: That's okay. I'm here to help you. Now where to?
*I held her waist and hand, not thinking much of it*
YN: My house, that's the only place I know of. I have tons of bandages and ointments there.
LEE KNOW: Wow... You take your passion seriously, don't you?
YN: Obviously, it's not like I had much of choice.


*We walked in. My parents were sleeping so I snuck him in. It's a very big risk because they can wake up at any second right now, but I feel safer and more risky knowing lee know is here. But I'm hesitant because I don't want my parents to get mad at him or injure him*
LEE KNOW: So this is your bedroom... Hmm kinda plain.
*I gave him a "Bitch are you for real?" look. He chuckled*
LEE KNOW: I'm joking it's actually pretty nice.
YN: Thank you, now sit down.
*He sat on my bed. I pulled out my doctor's kit and got to work. I rubbed ointment on his wounds*
LEE KNOW: What about your wounds?
YN: They will be fine for now.
*I quickly finished his wounds and putted my stuff back to it's place. We headed downstairs to the front doors*
YN: You're done. You should leave now otherwise my parents would get furious if they see you here. And.... Thank you for saving my life. I would be dead right now if you weren't there. So thank you. It means a lot to me.
LEE KNOW: You're welcome....... Why don't you come with me?
*He grabbed my hand*
LEE KNOW: Come with me, I'll help you escape your parents. You will be free.
YN: That sounds nice....... But unfortunately, there is no escape for me. I have to accept my fate.
*I pulled my hands out of his*
YN: They will just find me, they always do.
*I've tried escaping in the past. I've ran away hundreds of times, and even made it all the way to Canada, booked plane tickets, landed safely. And they still somehow finded me and beated me black and blue because of it. I finally gave up and accepted my fate when I was 15. There is no escape for me. I'm always gonna stay in this hellhole........... Forever*
LEE KNOW: But this time they won't, I'll make sure of it.
DAD: You'll make sure of it huh?
*I heard my dad's voice, making my heart lurch up in my throat*
LEE KNOW: Yes.... I will *determined*
*He slowly pushed me behind him. Blocking me from them, as a form of protection. My mom just stood there, silently. I think she must be regretting about what happened earlier. Not gonna lie, she tried her best to stop him*
DAD: I'd like to see you try. Step away from my daughter, RIGHT NOW.
LEE KNOW: *scoffs* She's your daughter now? I thought she was a punching bag you were using for your timepass. MY BAD. I must have got it AAAAAALLLL WRONG.
DAD: You smartass
*He stomped towards us and went to swing at lee know. That was when Lee know effortlessly dodged and grabbed the next fist that went flying after the first one. He dodged the first fist and caught the another one. Oh my han quokka it's not less than a kdrama*
LEE KNOW: If you lay another finger on Yn or me, I'll tell my dad. He's the chief of police.
*Hearing this my mom and dad got a petrified look on their faces. My dad instantly backed up away from us*
LEE KNOW: Now, I am leaving with Yn. If you tried to stop or follow us my dad will be the first one to know about it.
*He threw a cold glare towards them and scooped me in his arms. Bridal style. I was seriously not expecting
THAT AT ALL, but he made it look so hot. I could hear my dad cursing under his breath. Oh well, serves him right hehe*


*The nurse was attending my wounds. Some needed to be stiched. But she numbed me so I couldn't feel it. Lee know sat on a chair just watching me anxiously. The nurse giggled and looked at him*
NURSE: Young man, if you're that much worried about your girlfriend, you can come and sit beside her.
YN: Oh- he's not my boyfriend.
LEE KNOW: Okay thanks miss
*He didn't even deny it. Wow. He stood up and sat beside me trying to be as much as gentle*
NURSE: Are you serious young lady? How can you miss this jackpot? He's literally so handsome and caring. I'm sorry but you don't have good taste in men you know.
*Hearing this he smirked and looked at me. I gave that nurse a side-eye but she didn't noticed*
NURSE: Anyways, I hope you don't mind but I called the chief of police here. He'll need a statement from you. This was no accident.
LEE KNOW: My dad?
NURSE: Oh, you're Chief Lee's son?
LEE KNOW: Yep, My name is Lee Minho or you can also call me Lee know.
NURSE: That's great!! That'll make the statement easier and less scary for little missy.
*She was talking about me. Lee know smiled and patted my leg as a form of support. I heart was going to blast anytime now*
NURSE: Oh I guess he's here. I'll leave you guys alone.

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