Chapter 2 «A new life»

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What's it? So nice and good... Where am I? I don't feel anything. So that's what it is, death after life. Although no, right now, even if it's a little difficult, but I can move my hands. It's the same with the legs... I can move, but it feels so strange...

when I opened my eyes, I realized that I was really in the water. I see the bright rays of the sun and hear the sound of splashing waves. Am I still alive? Yes, it can't be. But why am I here? So, we need to surface, otherwise I'll drown again. It was not enough for me to immediately die again after death.

— What's wrong with my hands?  I looked at my hands and examined them with bewilderment. - Yes, they are quite children! And my hair.... Such bottom, light blue. It's not my body.

Rushing to the shore, I quickly got out of the river and immediately turned around and knelt down and looked at my reflection.

"Is it really me?" I never thought that other worlds and rebirths in them are true. - touching my face with my hands, I spoke admiringly. - What soft skin, and most importantly, what a cute face I have. I'm straight... A girl? No. Even if not in body, then in soul I'm definitely a guy. But I won't watch it yet.

All this time I had a huge long T-shirt out of clothes that hid my body up to my knees.

Looking around, I saw no one else and nothing. Only a clearing with flowers, a forest, and a river from which I got out.

— What a light body this is. I feel much more comfortable in it than in my past. But a question pops up. What should I do now? I would like to find some normal clothes, but where should I go?

The best option now is the forest. Of the dangers, this is only that you can get lost or meet some predator. But, there I will be able to find food that I will need in the future. And maybe I'll meet people there.

*After 2 hours*

— I think I'm lost. - continuing to walk with my bare feet on the pointed edges of the stones, I said.

Making my way through the grass, branches and beetles, I heard men's voices not far from me.

Slightly leaning out from behind the bushes, I saw really 2 joyful men, but only one thing confused me. The corpse of a girl with a twisted neck lying right at their feet .

— Handsome! Cool you deceived this fool! She also took all the money with her! We won't sleep until morning on this occasion!

— Or else! Let's tell these idiots from the guild that that monster killed her and that's it.

— Well, you really are a genius. But why did we take all our money with us?

— In order for her to make sure that we won't throw her, and she fell for it.

It's clear they killed her on purpose, but for what? Just for the money?

— How this creature infuriated me! She was the strongest among us and we had to obey her all the time.

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