Chapter 3 «My role»

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The next morning I continued on my way to nowhere. Apart from mountains, forests and fields, I didn't see anything else, but I did find flint, fluin and other piezoelectric materials. But by the way, since that moment I have not seen any more animals or monsters at all.

So I passed a couple of days along the way, stopping for a rest to spend the night wherever possible.

With each new day I got more and more used to the new body. It became much more convenient to move. But I feel very weak in my new body. All the movements and techniques of martial arts that I studied as a child still look perfect, but the impact force itself has become much less.

— Boring. There is nothing to do from the word at all, and I just wander and look for at least something that will help me reach people. - I said kicking a stone on the way.

After a huge amount of time and having come such a long way, I finally found something.

— The road? I wonder if she will take me to the village or the city? Both options suit me, but it's not a fact that I'll get to anything soon.

So a couple more days passed while I was walking along a dry road made of stone bricks, when suddenly I heard the sound of creaking wood and the trampling of hooves. Turning around, I saw a wooden cart slowly moving in my direction.

— That's the beginning. I said with surprise.

I waved my right hand to the man. He, in turn, drove up and stopped his cart next to me. He looked to be about 30 years old, maybe more. His long, dark, silky beard and stern appearance inspired a certain confidence in the stranger.

— What are you doing here? - he asked menacingly, bending slightly over me.

What should I answer him? I think it's better not to talk about a hitman from another world. Suddenly they'll take you for a sick fool.

— I got lost, I would like to get to the city or village. Spend the night there and return home.

— It's kind of weird. The child is also lost. Where are you coming from?  He asked me suspiciously.

Good question, where will I be from?

—I'm from the nearest town, I wanted to go for a walk, but something went wrong and a couple of hours after I went for a walk I woke up in that field. - pointing a finger to the man at the nearest clearing, I said.

— Ah, that's how it is ... - with these words, the man showed sympathy for me on his face.

I can roughly understand what he's thinking right now. A child who went out for a walk with friends was suddenly most likely hit on the head with something and carried far out of town, after which they simply put him in a clearing. Although to be honest, it sounds like utter nonsense. Maybe he thinks so too and thinks that I'm afraid to admit that I just got lost.

—Well, it can't be helped. I take it you wanted us to give you a lift to the city?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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