Long Forever

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Hey my lovelies! All the mates are together now so we can actually getting to the fun battle stuff! Enjoy!

Chapter Thirteen

Eclipses POV

It's been a week since Spirit was forced to feed. Minx got Ryan back and we haven't had any attacks. I just feel like something bad is gonna happen. "E?" Night says. I look up and smile at her. "Go for a run. I'm sure Ivy is dying for some out time!" She says and I smile at her. "Thanks Sha." I laugh and get up. "Can we run with you?" Dante and Parrish walk out and I smile. "Sure..." I say and kiss their cheeks. A few days ago the boys told me their wolf's names. Also what rank they are. Storms wolf is called Blake and he is an omega... Chaos' wolf's name is Scar. He is third. Parrish's wolf's name is Rex. He is also third like his twin. Blades wolf name is Axel. He is beta. And finally Dante his wolf's name is Onyx and he is alpha. I look at Dante and I have agreed that he is an alpha but does not out rank me. I walk over to Crims and kiss her cheek. "Go for a run E I got this." She says and I smile and kiss her cheek again.

Since the attacks we have been training hard. Crimson wants me to be able to use the earth while I'm in wolf form and that's bloody hard. She also is making me train my Ultimate Alpha powers on the boys which they are not happy about but oh well. I haven't let Ivy out for a long time so just going for a nice run is all I need. I walk out the door with my mates next to me I crouch down on my haunches and my eyes flash open and they are violet and I sprint into the woods and I shift as I run. Ivy taking over I can feel my bones shift and white fur sprouts when I reach my clearing I look around and see Onyx's pitch black fur and Rex's red fur in the trees and I howl signalling them to join me. Onyx trouts out and as he circles me our fur mixes creating a yin yang image. I lick Rex's nose and he sneezes and I smile.

I smile and lick Rex's muzzle cleaning his dirty mess of fur and I feel Onyx lick my head and I look at two of my mates then I see blond fur, dark brown fur and rusty coloured fur emerge from the forest and I see Blake, Axel and Scar walking over to us and we nuzzle each other and I lay down and I feel my mates all around me. 'This is nice... This is what I needed...' I say in our link and I hear a chuckle. "This is the perfect place Eclipse, darling." A voice I hate says and I shoot up and so do my mates. I can feel the wolves taking over 'Ivy I'm scared...' I say to my wolf and she hushes me. "What do you want Frank!" Ivy yells and my mates look at my wolf and remember Ultimate Alpha's can talk in wolf form. "Oh hello Ivy I want my fuck toy!!" He yells and I sob. "I won't let you have her never again! That day I scarred you was nothing compared to what I can do now!" She yells and I feel Storm and Blade shifting to human and Storms eyes glaze over and Blade closes his eyes and a wall forms around us.

"Oh I will get her and I'll BREAK her!" Frank yells and I scream in my head as something so high pitched whistles through my head and I shift to human and I scream and hold my head. "GET. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD!!!" I shriek and Dante grabs my arms and holds it behind my back and whispers in my ear. "I've got you baby... CHAOS FIND IT!" He yells and I watch Chaos holds my head and closes his eyes and they snap open. "Its in her head! She can only hear it we need to get out of here! Parrish!" Chaos yells and Blade, Dante and Chaos shift and Parrish picks me up in human form and Storm shifts quickly and the walls drops and Storm provides cover as we run back to the castle. We burst through the doors and I hear chuckling in my head. 'I'll get you baby girl don't you forget it...' He says and I scream. "Crimson its Frank!" Dante yells and I see all my sisters around me and I shriek arching my back and I pass out.

Sorry it's so short just a filler.

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