The crash

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After a lot of signing and icing my hand with Soph it was time to have a relaxation! I planned to take her to a pizza shop. "Yesss pi zaaaaaaaa!" Soph screamed pumping her fist in the air in triumph when we arrived. I laughed, "You know your cute when you act silly." I slapped my hand over my mouth. Shit. But Miss Oblivious didn't realise what slipped out but she did blushed furiously.

A sudden crash made everyone's head whip around and we saw 2 cars spralled across the road and a lady on a motorbike. "Holy shit!" I yelled. "Oh my god come on we need to help them." We raced out to the cars.


I ran to the lady and pulled off her helmet. "Ellie!?" It was my sister I hadn't seen her in a long time. "Soph? Hi look I think my leg is broken we can talk later just please get me to hospital- AHHHHHH!" Ellie cried she must really be in pain. I watched Keefe dial 000 and I soon heard sirens coming rapidly towards us...

Don't mind my short as hell chapter it's just a cliffhanger and I updated sooner than I thought. My new schedule is to draft out my chapters whenever I can and when it gets long enough/good enough I will post it. That means 1 every 2/3 weeks. If I don't update in a long time do not worry I won't be dead. Does anyone have any ideas even for what happens at the hospital because I am running* out!

Later update- I'm still waiting for those ideas seriously I'm trying to update and I can get 2 sentences then I have to give up because idk what to put rn she went into surgery and they r visiting her what next?

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