Is This More? A Mennard Fanfic

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Word Goal: 500+

(Two years after Michael was scooped)

~~A bit gay, and kinda moves fast, btw, in this AU Ennard is his own animatronic, not combined parts of other SL animatronics -EAS~~

I woke up to see Noah staring at me from his top bunk. "What the hell?" I said, scrambling to the corner of my bed farthest from him.

 "Sorry, Michael. I didn't mean to offend you." En said, and I blushed a little at how nice he was. "No worries." I said, relieved he didn't notice. 

"Eggs? Can we go outside?" He said, looking at me hopefully. 

"It's raining, and neither of us can get wet, you realize that right?" I said, and he drops down from his bunk and sits across from me on mine. 

"We can bring umbrellas and rain jackets with us!" He said, looking way too adorable. I was pretty sure I was blushing HARD. "Eggs? Are you okay? You're.. blushing? Why are you blushing?" He said, turning his head to the side and trying to figure out why I'm blushing.

 "Uhm... uh. Honestly? I think I might.. love.. you? It's okay if you don't feel the same and we can still continue being friends, but I wanted to answer honestly because you deserve it. You're the nicest person I've ever met, even if you aren't a person. I shouldn't have judged you so hard when we first met and I'm really sorry for any hurtful things I said." I said, probably blushing harder.  I look up at Ennard, and for some reason, he's also blushing. 

"Was.. n0t expecting that. But.. 1 think I a/so l0ve you? My emot!on chip is damaged !n s0me parts. 1 fee! !1ke 1'm m&!fun<t10n1ng." He said. *funtime.ennard.exe powering off: fix emotion chip* "Noah? En?" I said, even though it was pointless. 'Eggs? I can talk to you through your head. My emotion chip is in my left shoulder.'  Noah's voice said in my head. I find it and grab it. This is one of the ones that can't show sadness, anger, love, or hatred. That makes sense. I fixed it, included sadness, anger, and love, but not hatred. Hatred is bad. I learned that the hard way. I put it back in and waited for him to power on.

 'Noah? You can power back on.' I thought, hoping he could hear me. *funtime.ennard.exe powering on* 

"Hey Eggs!" He said, and I ran over and hugged him. He hugged me back, which felt nice. 

"So.. what do we want to do with this new information?" I said, wondering what we could do. 

"Hm, I'm.. not quite sure actually. But it does seem like the rain has stopped." En mentioned with a hopeful smile and a spark in his eyes. 

"Fine," I sigh, handing him an illusion disk and putting one on myself, "but you can't run off." He smiles like a little kid, and I wonder if I ever did that as a kid, or if that monster of a man never gave me a reason to. I smiled, but as soon as we both had our illusion disks on, he grabbed me and.. wait he.. kissed.. me? I kissed him back, not realizing how much I had wanted this. I put one hand on his waist and the other by his ear, while he holds the middle of my torso. He pulled away after what seemed like a few minutes, but was probably closer to ten. 

"To the park we go!' He said, smiling adorably and going through the door. I follow a second after, taking his hand as we walk to the park.

~~Wow! I went over my word goal. Good job me~~

Michael x Ennard Story. Warning: LGBTQ+, a bit gory!Where stories live. Discover now