03 - the list.

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"Michaela doesn't like, uh, apparently how you were saying there's too many Survivor  people." CT shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee as himself, Roxanne, Tori, Aneesa, and Cory stood around right outside of the house. Now, there was the problem of this mysterious lost—who made it, what's on it, and what do they plan to do with it?

Tori raised her eyebrows. "I never said that."


"Well," Roxanne sighed. "What we were told was that it exists, and she has Aneesa, Tori, and myself on it, in that order. I said I'm gonna make it far this season and I cannot have something like this getting in my way, because since Aneesa's in the Agency, then it could be either me or Tori if they really get all  the rookies with them."

And then Michaela walked by.

"I've been hearing stuff about a list that's a lie, so I'm just gonna being it down so you can see it for yourself." she said whilst entering the house. Nobody had a moment to object or say anything before she walked inside. The five shared a look, a confused one. Tori was the first to speak.

"I think it's gonna be easier for the house to cut Michaela because she's created a lot of havoc."

Cory nodded in agreement. "She knows her back is against the wall, she's now pulling out every move that she can."

"Yeah." Aneesa nodded. "You guys, together. Michele, Tommy, whoever created the list."

Michaela finally came back with a piece of paper, unfolding it and showing the group, now joined by Bettina. "There is a list that I have, but it's a list of who everybody's partner is. There's a list of people's names, who's on teams—"

— — — — — — —

"Why are you showing me this shit?" Roxanne raised her eyes at the camera. "The fact she's doing this just makes me think she's even more guilty. This is gonna be one hell of a deliberation.."

— — — — — — —

"Agents," came TJ's voice (along with a projection of him) as all the contenders sat down at deliberation. "You have twenty minutes to plead your case and target your enemies. After twenty minutes, each agent must lock in which team they wanna compromise. The compromised team will then join me in the elimination."

And he disappeared.

Along with mutters of surprise and nervous excitement, Josh's voice spoke above all. "Game time, baby!"

"So as the agency," Aneesa started. "We'd like to hear all the thing you guys need to say to keep your ass out of elimination or tell us who you think should go in and why."

"Well, I don't wanna waste the twenty minutes." Michaela spoke, taking Roxanne by surprise as she did not expect her to be up-front. "Aso, I know we're all new to each other, but I understand that some people's game and how they've won the games that they played had been to find people, make those people feel like they're close, and throw them under the bus at any time. So, Michele, every time I've heard my name come up, you have been a part of the conversation, and you are a person who knows the game of Survivor  really well. You know how to maneuver yourself to the end by shifting the target off of you and you did a damn good job."

Michele shook her head. "I would like to say—"

"You don't need to talk right now. Tommy—"

"That's actually not true! That's not fucking true, Michaela. Never once  have I said your name. Nobody has talked to me today, Michaela. You were out here doing all of this crazy shit with lists and stuff and everybody's been avoiding me like I'm the freaking plague. Facts. Because they think that I'm with you. If you want to throw a good person under the bus who actually has been a good friend to you—like, why are you coming for me  right now?"

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