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Storm has been "alive" since the beginning of the Earth

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Storm has been "alive" since the beginning of the Earth.

Not the very beginning but the beginning.

Since the beginning the world.

Since the beginning of the Universe.

She was born "67 years" after Heaven and Hell was created.

She was born "40 years" after her father was banished to wander the mortal world until he took over Hell.

She was a MIRACLE.

She was born on a stormy night hence her name.

The FIRST stormy night.

You may know her father.

He goes by many things or so called names.

His name is Lucifer.

Lucifer Morningstar.

Son of God.

Yet, he had a different name when it came to his daughter.

She called him daddy, dad, or even father but to others he was the ruthless ruler of Hell.

The fallen angel that was cast down to Hell by his own father, God, that once was in the most peaceful part of the world to now sitting on his throne as the ruler of the seven rings of Hell.

Lucifer was misunderstood.

He really wasn't ruthless as people thought he was or think he is.

Well, not in his daughter's eyes nor his son, Abbadon.

Lucifer was actually pretty soft when it came to his family.

He spoiled his daughter and son with everything they have ever desired and will always desire until they both shall live.

He spoiled his wife even more.

The mother of his children.

Her name is Rose.

Rose Celine Deline Wriedt Morningstar.

Rose was created for him.

She was his.

He was hers.

She was his to claim.

He was hers to claim.

Though, he despised his father, he actually thanked him when he met his first love and final love, his true mate to be more accurate, for the first time.

Lucifer and Rose dated for a few years until they married.

Yet, they engaged in sexual intercourse before the marriage, God wasn't really angry about the topic but that didn't mean others also agreed.

It was the angels in Heaven that were against it if you haven't realized.

Lucifer's brothers and sisters but mostly brothers.

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