Chapter Two

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Wes had decided to let the kid continue to stay in his truck, except that time he locked it when he left. Though he took the hunting knife with him and hid it in his coat. He knew he had to do something, he wasn't gonna hand over a young teen to someone they claim is going to kill them, or at the very least hurt them. Wes decided to go looking for her on the passenger deck when he overheard people talking about the city of Paradise, Alberta.
"Guess people were fed up with that Lee fellow and tried to take the city from him."
"That's crazy, who would have the balls to try to take Paradise? I thought that place was crawling with ex-military."
"They didn't win, there's bounties out for anyone who could find members of that rebellion dead or alive. If we find one we could finally have enough to leave this shithole."
Wes didn't know much about that place, only that many would literally kill to be there and their leader was a dictator. To him, it seemed to be a worse version of Calgary and he already didn't like Calgary. Though that may be why Niamh was after the kid, they were possibly from that rebellion group in Paradise. Eventually he ran into Niamh again.
"Any luck?" She asked Wes, who shrugged his shoulder and replied "Nope."
"She's really good at hiding, always manages to slip away. But as long as we're at sea she can be found." Niamh told Wes as he asked her "You sure this kid is even on board?"
"Yes, I saw her board on a truck bed." She answered.
"Well, I haven't seen anyone who matches the photo you showed me yet. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do." Wes told Niamh again as he then started heading back to the outside deck.
They were past the many small islands outside of Swartz Bay and out on the open water. Wes was standing by the rail again in the rain just thinking. That was until the vibrating stopped and they were no longer moving. Wes snapped out of it and knew they were all in trouble. He tried to make his way to the bridge only to be stopped by Niamh, who was wielding some kind of cutlass.
"I know you people are hiding her. Nobody leaves this ship until she is found and returned to me." Niamh rather boldly told Wes as she approached him. Wes also grabbed his weapon from his coat.
"I am not handing over a child to someone they claim is going to kill them." Wes responded as Niamh said "So, you admit you are hiding her."
Wes didn't say anything else, he was still going with his stance.
"The child you're protecting isn't exactly innocent either. She's a terrorist. She's responsible for events that killed my brother and set fire to Paradise. Nobody is allowed off this ship for as long as its crew protects a terrorist." Niamh elaborated further. She then pointed her cutlass at Wes and told him "Even if it means I have to hurt a few people too."
Wes quickly decided to just run, thinking he could loop around and lose Niamh if she chased him, though she had the same idea. As he ran towards one of the sheltered areas, Niamh was there on the other side swinging her cutlass shouting "SO YOU'RE GONNA RUN, EH? COWARD!"
Wes then decided to turn around and fight, knowing he wasn't gonna get away. He blocked her cutlass with his knife and continued doing so as she kept swinging. Niamh would then cut the wrist he was holding the knife with, causing him to drop it. She kicked it away and Wes tried to go grab it only to be struck in his left eye by the edge of Niamh's blade. It stung like hell and blood was pouring out of it almost immediately as he put his hands over it. He was shouting many curse words as he slowly fell to the floor. Niamh told him "I warned you I would hurt people for this kid."
The ship then started back up again, Wes felt the familiar vibrating as Niamh said "Shit, they're also fighting back."
Wes grabbed her by the ankle before she could get away, causing her to fall over and giving Wes a chance to get back up. Despite his vision in his uninjured eye being blurry from how watery it was, Wes quickly grabbed his knife again and got back up as Niamh did the same.
"Oh no you don't!" Niamh angrily exclaimed as she tried to take out Wes' other eye but he blocked it in time. The two continued clashing blades until Wes was shoved back down to the ground. Wes tried to trip Niamh so she would fall as well, only for her to fall onto him with Wes holding out his hands instinctively to block her, still with his knife in hand. It went straight through her eye and into her skull, killing her almost instantly.
Wes sat up and tried to comprehend what had just happened.
"Did I just kill her? Oh God." He quietly asked himself as he tried to see if she was responsive at all. She was not. She was most definitely dead. Not knowing what to do and not thinking properly, Wes tossed her overboard along with her weapon and hoped nobody saw what happened. Surely it would count as self defence, but he didn't know if Niamh intended to kill him. Wes put his hand back over his eye and it started stinging again, he knew it would get worse once the shock and adrenaline wore off. Perhaps it already was.
Wes collapsed in the puddle of water that was mixed with their blood, he didn't think he was losing enough to cause him to possibly faint. He was starting to fade in and out of consciousness. Eventually he accepted his fate and laid there, someone would eventually find him. 

The City of Wanderers - No Peaceful North Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now