Chapter Eight

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There was barely anyone else on the road when they made it past Vernon. The only other vehicles they encountered were going the opposite direction towards Vernon. The landscape occasionally shifted from healthy looking forests to burnt ones as they got closer to Kamloops.
From what they could see, Kamloops had become a deserted city in the desert region of New Columbia. No power, nobody else on the road and no other signs of life except for the occasional crow. Didn't appear to be burnt from a wildfire, just abandoned.
"What happened here?" Aditya asked as they drove through the city at a slower speed just in case anything, or anyone, were to jump out at them.
"Many towns in Alberta are abandoned because everyone left to live in Paradise. Maybe the same is happening here but they headed for Kelowna or Pacifica." Knox theorized before adding "Or they were infected and massacred after Edith Hirsch's death."
Wes wanted to believe the first theory Knox brought up. He remembered when the Prime Minister, Edith Hirsch, was assassinated quite well. Riots happened everywhere and it seemingly became legal to kill anyone who may have been infected. The country had separated into different nations over it.
"I think the first one is more likely." Aditya shared the same belief as Wes.
"Yeah, I don't know why my brain went there. It does that sometimes." Knox said as Aditya asked him "You've been through a lot, haven't ya?"
"I sure have." Knox responded in a rather cheery way. Wes knew, he remembered their convo from the previous night. He still chose not to say a word about it to Aditya.
Once they were beyond Kamloops, the burnt scenery continued which made Wes wonder if that fire did threaten the city but people fought it off only to later abandon the city. Wasn't the case for West Kelowna unfortunately.
They continued along the highway, encountered no other vehicles until a white pickup truck appeared up ahead once they neared Cache Creek. Upon seeing them, the truck swerved to the side and blocked their lane once they got closer. Aditya stopped for them but Wes told him "No, keep going. Probably a road pirate or whatever."
An older man exited from the truck and wandered over to them. He didn't seem to have any weapons on him and was dressed like a rancher. Aditya responded to Wes "I don't think he is."
He then rolled down the window for the man, who asked them "You aren't from Paradise, are ya?"
"Uh, no. We're from Pacifica." Aditya answered as he then said "Huh, we don't ever see travellers these days. Just thieves with Alberta license plates."
Wes noticed that Knox had hidden himself from view as Aditya responded with "We're just wanting to pass through, that's all."
"It would seem so. Unfortunately, the road is closed to travellers heading north." The man informed them as both Wes and Aditya asked "Why?"
"You people from the south coming here to spread the infection further is why. Other than that I'm just following orders." The man explained before telling them "I can let you go further into Cache Creek but only if you use the junction to turn back to Pacifica."
Aditya looked at Wes, not sure what to do. Wes decided to tell them both "We will do that. Promise."
Aditya went with what Wes said and added "Yes, we'll do that I guess."
"You stay on Highway One to get back, it'll be quicker than the way you came." The man told them as Aditya gave him the thumb's up.
Once he drove off, Knox reappeared and said "Do not listen to that man. Keep going."
"Is there an alternative route or is this the only way?" Aditya asked as Wes answered "Yes, but it's through Alberta. I don't imagine we want that."
"Going into Alberta with a British Columbia license plate and me as a passenger is a death sentence." Knox rather boldly stated.
"Let's continue into Cache Creek and see how patrolled the roads are there." Wes suggested, he was thinking about continuing anyways. He could say he lives in the north and was returning home if they were caught again.
They continued their way into Cache Creek. There didn't seem to be anyone in the town. It was also abandoned. They were at the junction that either headed back towards Pacifica, though the sign still said 'Vancouver', or north to Prince George. While stopped, Wes asked Aditya "How much fuel do we have?"
"About half tank. Why?" Aditya responded with another question as Wes told him "We're gonna need more."
"Good idea, might as well top off again here." Aditya said as he pulled into a parking lot. Wes got out to get a diesel canister from the back and Aditya joined him to ask "So, what are we doing?"
"You trust me, right?" Wes asked him in response. He nervously laughed a little and asked again "Yeah, why do you ask?"
He held out his hand and said "I need the keys then."
Aditya was rather hesitant to do so, but handed them over as it was not his truck in the first place. Once Wes finished refuelling his truck and putting the canister away, Aditya continued asking Wes "You're planning something malicious, aren't you?"
"I know you won't do it." Wes answered as he got into the driver's seat. Aditya said back "Anything to get to Fort Saint John, I guess."
"If we get caught again, the story is we are residents of that town and we're returning home. I should have some living connections there to verify still." Wes explained. He felt confident enough in his ability to drive without vision in his left eye. Just had to hope nobody would sneak up on him from the rearview mirror.
Wes started taking them north along Highway 97 towards Prince George and was going over the speed limit. Not like there were any police around to ticket him anymore. He slowed down when the road got more twisty though. There didn't seem to be anyone else patrolling the roads heading north.
"I guess we're in the clear, at least for now." Aditya said once they were far enough away from Cache Creek.
"I mean, we're not infected and we have a good reason to go north." Knox added. He had a point, though Wes wondered how bad it must've been for everyone in the north side if they were banning travellers. It wasn't until they reached the turnoff for Highway 99 when they encountered another patrol vehicle. Instead of stopping however, Wes floored it until the mountains where he slowed down again.
"You think I could drive again? You're kind of scaring me." Aditya asked Wes after a few minutes of silence. Wes simply answered "No."
They continued onward. Still nobody else on the road but them. The next town was 100 Mile House, Wes decided to at least make it there before letting Aditya drive again. They were finally out of the desert as the scenery changed from dry grass to green forests and fields once they reached the top. That would be their view for the rest of the way.

The City of Wanderers - No Peaceful North Part OneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum