Chandigarh : the new beginning

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"And the best actress award goes to Ms. Priyanka Chahar Choudhary "with this spotlight falls on me. I somehow manage to get up from my seat and walk towards the stage. I can feel every eye is on me, applauding with admiration. I reach out for the award and the audiences make the loudest noise. I get a quick glance at them and look out for the familiar faces and there they are standing together. Mumma-Pappa with moist eyes and proud face, my brothers and sisters, nephews & niece giving me a most precious smile, and just behind them, the love of my life, winking at me. I am so overwhelmed right now by seeing all this love. I get offered a mic for thank you speech, am just trying to put my emotions in words and suddenly a loud sound distract me, and I wake up with a jerk.

Ohh no, same dream again. I just put my hand on bedside table and shut the alarm in my phone. I know it's just a dream but am gonna live this dream one day surely, and today is the very first step towards it. I get up and walk towards the bathroom for freshen up. I quickly sip my morning coffee and open my suitcase. I have shifted here just 2 days back and yet to unpack all my stuffs. Ahhh, why it's too difficult to decide what to wear. I think will go for this pink top and Jeans. I get changed and quickly put a light make up, grab my phone, purse and keys and run to the door. I need to make to the venue on time. It wont look good if I get late on my very first day. I quickly take an auto and inform about the location. Today is the look test for my new serial, Udaariyaan and am rushing for the same. Pari calm down, stop being anxious, everything going to be fine, and stop moving your legs. I take a deep breath and look outside for the view to bring down my anxiety.

Chandigarh, the air is somewhat different here from that of Mumbai and Jaipur. For the next few months this city is going to be my home. Never in my dreams I thought of  leaving everything back and shift here. But last week, got a call from production house that I have selected for the FL role and the next few days passed like mere seconds, and today am here. I was little surprised but more than that excited for this new project. I informed mamma-pappa, and they were so happy. Ofcourse they got a bit tensed about the whole chandigarh thing but they knew this is a huge opportunity for me. I also told Rahul about the same and he was so happy for me. I informed him that am coming to mumbai to meet him before shifting to Chandigarh as it wouldn't be possible to meet once I started shooting. Just two days back I came here and shifted in my rented house. The flat is 2BHk and would take an hour journey to reach actual shooting location. I have to unpacked all the suitcases and boxes and set up the house. I don't know but somehow get a feeling that, this city is going to be special for me. Suddenly my phone starts buzzing and it's my Mom. I know she would call me. I quickly receive and we chitchat for next 20 mins. I am feeling more than good now. How parents always know when we need their blessings and prayers the most.

Life was never that easy for me, but then I know, am never made for easy things. I have started to work very early in my 16 due to financial issues, and made it to here. From working as show anchor to DJ, MVs, movies, webseries, have done everything on my own and my family is the biggest supporter in all this time. Staying away from them is always difficult for me but I know they are always with me no matter if we are miles apart. I love them so much, mumma pappa, my brothers, sisters. It was not easy for them also to send me alone to completely new city and with this profession, but they decided to trust me and I also made sure to be always honest to them. They are my world, my everything, all I want is to make them proud and financially secure. I will make sure to give every luxury to my siblings, that we didn't get earlier. I have yet to achieve that milestone and this new opportunity is my first baby step towards it. I just close my eyes and breathe into this new air. Yes, everything is going to be good in fact more than good, I know that and I can feel that to my very core.


Ankit you have to get up now, you can't wait for another snooze. Why am I doing this even? Why am here at first place? From last two weeks am trying to find answers to my own questions but yet not able to uncover anything. I get up from my bed reluctantly and go for morning rituals. When see my reflection in mirror, I could only spot uncertainty in my eyes about my decision, but it's too late now to back off. I take a deep breath and leave my house for the location.

From last two weeks I am here, but still this city feels very unfamiliar, cold or may be it just me who is getting more colder day by day to every damn aspect of life. Last month I got a call from Ravi regarding this new project which he is going to produce and offered me a male lead. I asked him to email all the details and afterwards only I can give my confirmation. I went through the script, it was not that convincing or impactful. Also the location was in chandigarh, that means I had to shift there completely for next few months, which wasn't feasible for me. I rejected the offer in first place, but both Ravi and Sargun kept convincing me as they think I was perfect for this new role. I had a word with Param regarding this offer. He said I should think about this new offer as currently I have nothing promising in my hand. Last 2 years were too bad for me both financially and personally. I went through a very bad phase in my life which changed me completely, and life is not the same anymore, I am not the same anymore. I have seen too much in these years, that could not imagine in my wildest dreams. But I guess that's the actual life is, when you think everything happening as you planned, it gives you a hard reality check and I got mine. After that I have decided to go with the flow in my life and not think too much about everything. For the sake of good hard paycheck, after rejecting for 3 times, finally I accepted it. I confirmed it to Ravi-Sargun and they both were more than delighted to have me in the team. Shifting was not that easy but somehow I managed to get it done. New project, new city, new people, new experiences but the same me. Last few days, I went to explore this city, but still not able to get that positive vibes here, something is missing for sure, and still their is hope of something.

I called Param yesterday, and told him about my look test which scheduled for today. He was really excited and asked me to go for it with my all heart. This is my first project as main lead and am not excited at all. The production house is new, location is not that easygoing, typical ITV script, not a prime slot, both the lead actresses are newbies, I am not able to find a single reason to get engaged in this but just for my good relations with Ravi-Sargun and Param's advice, I accepted this. I am not nervous, not enthusiastic, am just not into, just going with the flow. I am not sure how long this show will survive but as an actor, will give my best to the character. The house set up is done, I have enrolled for a gym which is not far from my flat. I got this car from my signing amount and am so contented as I always want to buy my own car. This is not my dream one but one day will surely buy that one as well. I just accelerate and speed up as i don't want to reach late. I am very punctual about the timing and expect the same from others. I always believe in professionalism and follow it myself. I hope this new beginning won't disappoint me.

I arrive at the location and park my car in parking zone and get the elevator to reach the exact scene. I take a glimpse at my watch and please that I make it on time. All the set up is already done. I introduce myself to the team and they welcome me. They inform me, the FL is yet to come and we have to wait for her. I just roll my eyes in disappointment as am not expecting this on my very first day. I take a seat and scroll my mobile randomly, thinking about the decision I made. The elevator door open with sound which get my attention. I look upward and notice a girl stepping out from it.


Hello guys, as I have already said am not an OG so the sequence of some stories may get altered. Also let me informed in my story both PRIYANKIT have their exes. I only introduced them in story because their past relationships  have major effect on them and their bond, that's it, so please enjoy it in that way only. In real I dont have any idea about their past relationships and am not even interested in it as for me only PRIYANKIT matters. Will upload the next part soon till date enjoy this and manifest PRIYANKIT Forever..

And also a very happy Priyankit day to all !!!

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