Fateh X Tejo : beginning of an era..

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Time flies when you are having fun, enjoying your best days and that's what happened with me. It's already one month in this new city but now it feels like home away from home. I am no more priyanka here, but tejo, and somehow I love to be her. She is dignified, sweet, intelligent & family loving just like me, passionate about her work, straightforward yet emotional. I can relate to her in great extent. I am in love with her punjabi suits, her jutiyan, her heavy jhumkas, her bangles, her long straight hair. Her beauty lies in her simplicity, which is the only thing priyanka can't relate to as I am someone who is modernized and up to date with my appearances. I accepted tejo wholeheartedly and now she has become an inseparable part of my life. Apart from tejo, the other reel characters also made their special place in my life.

Though I always get along with people easily, I love to interact, listen to their stories, tell them mine, but here I found my whole small family away from my real ones. Rupy treats me like his own daughter, Satti has been shifted with me recently and adored me just like my mumma. Jasmeen is so bubblish and our reels and gossip sessions are something we both enjoyed. Tavish is like a baby to me and whole day he keeps running behind his tejo di. Abhi is too like a brother to me. I found a comfort in all these reel characters. I never thought, would get such lovely people to work with. Though the shoots are hectic here, most of the days they surpassed more than 12 hours but still am enjoying evey bit of it without complaining. This is something I have always dreamt about and I finally got a chance to experience it. We have no idea how the show is doing, it's got aired just one month before, but am contented with my work and my life here. Somehow the tejo gives priyanka the much needed escape from her real life and landed her in dream tale where she knows at the end, everything is going to be work out well. I wish priyanka could have ensured the same thing in her life.

Things with Rahul getting worsened day by day. To every healthy relationship, conversation is the key, and that's what lacking in our case. We are just waiting to listen some comfort lines from each other but its not coming from both ends. Whenever I try to light up the things, he just keeps going on with marriage things. He doesn't even realise that he is being pressured me. I love him, I do, but marriage is not something which I want currently. I need some more time and that's the only thing I asked for, but everytime he just walked off from communication. The situation has been much better if we have this discussion side by side but due to hectic schedule it's not possible for me to go there and he doesn't want to come here, I dont know why, so we get stuck in the situation where we cannot move forward nor backward. I had a talk with satti about this and she told me to give some time and everything will be ok, but wish I get the same assurance from him.

Tejo has being the escape for priyanka but not before she realized somehow tejo also had stuck in the same situation as priyanka. I am getting along pretty good with all the onscreen and offscreen people on the set except the one with whom I spent most of my time while shooting. Yes, the hero of our story 'Mr. Fateh Singh virk'. He is a damn loner and it's too difficult to have a full one minute conversation with him. The 2 hours of journey with him from set to the university where most of our college scenes have been shooted, seem like decades. Conversation with him is always one sided. When I ask how are you, expecting fine, thank you, what about you in return, but instead of this I just get a fine that even without smile. I mean, it's fine, if he is an introvert but there's no harm in interacting with your costar in two hours long journey. He usually seats with his headphones on and am not a person who can relay on phone for 2 hours. Or is he just ignoring me but then why, I haven't done anything. I tried my best to have a decent conversation with him during shoots, but he was too disinterested to make me any further attempts and I just accepted the formality between us. Though he is unconcerned about every damn thing around him but when he get into role he is too great, I mean no one could believe he is the same guy offscreen. Fateh is fun loving and cool lover boy while Ankit is more matured serious but the moment camera roll, snap, Fateh come in picture, on cut, snap, the cold black orbed Ankit exit. No doubt he is a wonderful actor and sharing screen with him is a great experience. The angsty we served in our roles is so freaking good. The more scenes we shooted, the more, I realised with good costars even you are getting better.

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