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It must have been a full two minutes of horrified silence before Caleb took any action. He was entranced by the horrifying statues spread out before him, staring in a mix of awe and fear, an odd feeling to experience that he'd felt more than once now in these dense silent woods. All of them were facing towards him, the angry eyes and the bent back horns. Without thinking too long, Caleb broke into a sprint and ran to the side, darting into the tree line and msking no note of where he was going, all he knew was he wanted to be as far from here as possible.

He sprinted for five full minutes before running out of stamina again. A stamina that he knew was ever decreasing, but could do nothing about. He stopped to catch his breath, hearing every inhale and exhale. The muted woods only reminded him once again of his horrid and creepy surroundings, only now he didn't even hear the birds call for comfort anymore.

Caleb regained his strength after a quick rest and looked back up, widening his eyes at the realization. One of the statues was somehow right in front of him. He then looked all around him to see the other stairs had followed suit. Some were even poking out of the treeline as if hiding in the shade. All of them had the same angry expression. Even dispersed, they were all still staring directly at Caleb.

Caleb screamed in horror and ran once more, running for nine whole minutes before he was forced to stop this time, but even then his fear kept him going even longer. He ran and ran as fast as he could. Every now and then he would look behind him to see the states still getting closer. It didn't seem to matter what he did or how far he ran, they were following him. It wouldn't have been so bad if there wasn't such malevelonce and darkness emitting from each statue. As if a true demon were inside locked behind the stone carving.

Runnin lg again after a short rest to breath, tears streamed down Caleb's face. Everything he'd tried had been a dead end. Even the bird that he thought would help him almost got him killed. With each passing minute it was looking more and more likely that Caleb was going to die in this forest.

Caleb kept pushing forward in the silent forest, desperate to get away from the evil stone carvings. He continued to cry but didn't put much effort into it. The moving statues seemed to be catching up with him faster. Tears streamed down his face again and he pushed his body to the absolute limit and broke into a full running sprint. For about three minutes he kept this up, but then his muscles gave out. His legs were beyond sore, and being out of water he was dehydrated.

His vision blurred and Caleb swayed back and forth for a moment. He fell to his knees, tereufied of the pursuing stayed but unable to move. Then, Caleb finally fell over on the ground, unconscious. Passed out from exhaustion, forced into a vulnerable state of sleeping in the silent forest. He had the faintest worry before he lost consciousness, but he was powerless to it. As he drifted off to sleep, he feared the stairs were still right behind him, feeling that overwhelming malice and hate. The worry wasn't enough to keep him awake though, before long he was asleep like a rock, right in the middle of the accursed pines.

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