☠︎︎ 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑡 ☠︎︎

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Ghost POV

I was sitting with König in the stupid cafeteria, eating the shit we always get here. He was mad the whole day. Nobody knows what's wrong with him. „You okay?" I asked him.

„Hm...there is no point in hiding it anymore. My little Schwester...-" He couldn't finish his sentence, because Soap immediately sat down on our table with an happy expression.

„Shut the fuck up y'all! I got some news!" He yelled. Everyone looked at us now. I frowned beneath my mask. I hate getting attention so suddenly...

Soap coughs a few times before speaking. „We will get a new recruit tomorrow! And it's a girl!" He barked. Everyone looked excited now. „I bet she's going to be so pretty..." Someone said.

König clenched his fists and hit them on the table before standing up. „I swear to God y'all! She's my little sister! Und I'm going to give her a hood just like me, so you won't see her face. If I see anybody getting too close to her, I'm going to rip his organs out." he growled before walking away.

Without even thinking I walked after him. He's my friend after all and I will stay loyal.

I wanted to stay loyal but he still didn't believe me.

„King wait!" I called after him. „Was?!" He answered. „Calm down. What's the matter, König?!" he didn't answer me but he stopped walking. We weren't in the cafeteria anymore.

He sighed. „She's too young." „How old?" I immediately asked him and his eyes told me that he was mad. „Twenty-two...". Did he just call a twenty-two year old woman too young?

„Listen...König she is not too young. She's old enough to make her own decision-" I wanted to keep talking but he started yelling at me. „She is too young! I swear to God, Ghost...If you even look at her, I will beat you so derbe." What the fuck does derbe mean?

He looked even more angry now. „I know how much you like to fuck girls." He then added. „You know what? Fuck it! I will remove her hood when she's alone with me...Trust me."

He looked furious and then wanted to kick me in the stomach but I immediately grabbed his leg and pinned him down. „Alright...Bet. I will never leave her alone with you." He told me that in a threatening deep voice. „Bet..."

The next day

I stopped talking with König after that event between us. I don't know why but something doesn't feel right. I was sitting in Soap's room and we were having a good time, until we heard a knocking on his door.

Soap: „Come in, The door is open!"

He yelled towards the door. We were sitting on his couch eating some crisps with a nice dip and British black tea. The tea was my wish of course. It tasted good.

My face was still covered by my mask, only my mouth was visible. I immediately started hiding my mouth with my balaclava again.

König came in with a little 'friend' behind him. Yep that's his poor little sister. She was wearing the same hood like him only in white. Her icy blue ice were staring at us. What's her nickname? Königin? Queen?

I Iet out a quiet chuckle by my weird thoughts. I'm glad nobody noticed.

König: „That's my sister."

𝐾𝑜̈𝑛𝑖𝑔'𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟                  𝐺ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑥 𝑌/𝑁Where stories live. Discover now