Part 2

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"Are you tired, Hexie?"

"No. Well, I'm definitely not in the mood to be showing my strength or something. I'm pretty sure I've already got that down."

"To be fair, you're pretty solid on that. I was actually more worried about how you handle-" "Yes, I know, I'm not very good at settling arguments, and I don't really want to deal with that either."

"You've been out of the mood a lot lately, Hexie. I don't want you skipping out on this just because you don't feel like it."

"I need some time to myself, and it's not like I'm actually skipping anything. I don't want to have to deal with this every day. Can I just... Have a break?"

Eight was hesitant, worried. However, he understood that Hexie sometimes needed a change in routine to keep himself together.

"Just for one day... Please don't make a habit of this."

"Don't worry dad, I won't."

Hexie threw himself back through the secret entrance and ripped off the carpet, crash landing on the floor. The crash ended up startling Six.

"Sorry, mum."

"That was quick. Everything go okay?"

"Well, I decided I'm not gonna go through training today. I'm a bit... Well, I just don't want to deal with it today."

"Ah, that's alright."

Hexie put the carpet back up and got himself some ramen. He retreated to his little anthill of a room and snacked away at the ramen. He could tell while he was eating that Dazey was paying attention to his dreariness. The perk of heightened senses includes that kind of thing. "Do you need me for somethin' Dazey? I know you're out in the hallways there."

"Can I come in?"

"Go ahead."

Dazey sat next to Hexie on his bed as a way of showing support.

"Did Primrose get to ya again?"

"Oh, It's not really her. It has to do with her, but, well it's more than that. Hey, I can trust you with anything, right?"

"Of course, dude."

"Listen, Dazey, this whole superhero thing... I... I hate it. I hate the pressure of everyone in Numberland depending on me for things that I'm not even that good at..."

"Really? I thought you really liked the whole superhero thing..."

"It's always the superhero thing. It's all about being Hexablock, all 'bout training to take dad's place when he won't be able to save the day anymore. I want to just be Hexie so badly, but I don't want to give up this position if I'm really the only one fit for it."

Dazey nodded. Hexie was a rambunctious individual who liked low stakes and silly adventures.

"Jeez, Hexie, it must really be stressing you out."

"Yeah, ya think? I'm not even good at handling things when I can't use my powers to solve them. You saw what happened back there with Primrose. I almost wish sometimes I was just... Normal, you know?"


"Don't... Don't you want to be the hero, Dazey? You know what it takes, I'm sure, and you're more than ready for it. Heck, you're a lot smarter than me. If dad let you use his little lab gadgets to save the day and everything you'd be a far better superhero than me."

"I... Would want that, Hexie. You're right. But I haven't been training for years like you have. Even if people think I'm fast or smart enough... I don't know, I don't think I'd be ready for it." "Oh, Dazey. What do I do? I dread a future where I have to handle every problem in Numberland without dad pitching in. There's still so much I can't do on my own."

The brothers frowned, unsure of what to do about Hexie's predicament. Hexie wasn't exactly at the point of tears, but Dazey could feel an internal struggle draining him and a dilemma that clouded his kind. In fact, Dazey was now picking up on the very subtle signs that Hexie would rather be out and about playing games than saving the day. He was always so impatient with Primrose, and often he didn't seem alive even when he was out rescuing other numbers. The spark in Hexie's eyes that glimmered while he was performing acrobatics or swinging from branches was absent when the stakes were high.

"Hopefully someone else is fit to become a hero. A lot of us in Numberland are amazing people, and they'd be able to fend for themselves if you find you can't take on the role you were assigned. I'll leave you alone to think about it, alright?"

"Thanks dude."

Hexie wasn't doing a lot better, but he was able to let out a weak smile. Dazey trusted that he could be on his own for the rest of the evening and left the room. Hexie finished his ramen and spent the rest of the evening silently entertaining himself, paying attention to the things he enjoyed rather than the pressure that strained him.

Sinister plans were taking place that night, restlessly opening its mouth to take a bite out of the peacefulness of Numberland. The Terrible Twos were getting ready to leave their own base in an undisclosed location, preparing a refined version of the teal substance they had attempted to use on Hexie earlier.

"What a silly little insect." Laughed the blue two. "He doesn't realize how vulnerable he's made himself. Say, you've heard he doesn't want to be a superhero, right?"

"I've heard it very clearly, amigo. He'll be surprised to find that we'll be the ones to free him of his burden."


They both concluded. Immature, yet scary laughs echoed through the empty plains, and the Terrible Twos set off, ready to bring Numberland to its knees.

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